Hydro Group

in Environmental Earth System Science, Stanford University

The Hydrogeology and Water Resources Program falls under the umbrella of the Department of Environmental Earth System Science (EESS) within the School of Earth Sciences at Stanford University. Our research interests span a range of topics including the scientific basis for water resources management, hydroecology / ecohydrology, surface - groundwater interactions, groundwater allocation policy, fluid flow and solute transport processes, innovative simulation techniques, and cutting-edge technologies in hydrogeophysics and remote sensing in hydrology.

Graduate Program:

The Stanford Hydro Group consists of graduate students and post-doctoral research associates working with Professor Steven Gorelick. We interact with faculty in other Stanford departments and scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS).



The Hydrogeology and Water Resources Program in the Department of Environmental Earth System Science at Stanford University has a distinguished history of education and research, producing many of the top hydroscientists in the United States.




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