Professor Steven M. Gorelick

Steven Gorelick is the Cyrus F. Tolman Professor in the Department of Environmental Earth System Science at Stanford. His “hydro group” conducts research in two general areas. One research goal is to improve the fundamental scientific understanding of controls on groundwater flow and solute migration by analyzing laboratory and field data. This effort relies heavily on developing predictive simulation models. The other research goal is to advance the scientific basis for water resources management by constructing planning models to evaluate water-allocation strategies. In recent research projects, Professor Gorelick and his students have combined hydrogeology with aspects of ecology, geophysics, operations research, and economics to study meadow restoration, wetland protection, water supply management in Mexico and India, and contaminated groundwater remediation methods.


email: [email protected]



Click here for Professor Gorelick's Stanford online CV.

Click here for a pdf CV including publication list.


(650) 725 2950


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