Carbon Cycle Biogeochemistry
-Research in this area couples detailed studies of chemical weathering, mineral-carbon associations, and early diagenesis with a variety of modeling approaches to understand the natural and human carbon cycle.
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Environmental Geochemistry
-Current work in this area seeks to assess the rates, extent and possible engineering of mineral transformations associated with CO2 storage in the subsurface. Other research includes the fate of U and Cr in the environment.
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Terrestrial Paleoclimate & Geochronology
-Our work in this area uses isotopic variations due to water-rock interactions to develop new proxies for studying past environments. Current work focuses on the use of U isotopes to assess past changes in rainfall using cave formations and soil minerals.
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Welcome to EIG
The core focus of the research carried out by our group is to investigate biogeochemical processes occurring at the earth surface using a combination of tools including isotope geochemistry, geochemical and reactive transport modeling and geochronology. Field-based environmental measurements are coupled with experimental or detailed characterization studies in order to develop conceptual and numerical models. The primary goal of this research is to understand how Earth's environments are controlled by the feedbacks between chemical, biological and physical processes in the subsurface.
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