George Hilley
Title: | Assistant Professor |
Primary Affiliation: | Department of Geological & Environmental Sciences |
Other Affiliations: | Earth Systems |
Office Location: | Braun Hall (GeoCorner) 233 |
Research Group: | Stanford Tectonic Geomorphology Laboratory (STGL) |
Phone: | 650-723-2782 |
Fax: | 650-725-0979 |
E-mail: | |
I study the landscape's response to active faulting and folding of the Earth's crust. My students and I use a wide range of tools to study these processes, such as geologic and geomorphic field studies, and numerical models of tectonic and erosional processes. My research spans a broad range of time and spatial scales, from the development of mountain ranges over millions of years through the development of small landforms and watersheds over 10s-100s of thousands of years. For example, at the scale of entire mountain belts, I study how deformation and erosion within the Andes may be coupled, providing a link between deep earth and atmospheric processes. At the other extreme, I study how active uplift along the San Andreas Fault affects the short-term development of small, ~4-km-long landforms. Finally, I have recently become interested in studying large, slow-moving landslides in urbanized areas (and the hazards they pose) using remote sensing methods such as Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry.
I teach both graduate and undergraduate classes and seminars on the development of mountain belts in tectonically active areas. These courses use both classic field examples, as well as local field excursions in the Santa Cruz Mountains as guides to understanding how active faulting may produce steep topography.
Professional Activities
Terman Fellow, 2006-present; Steering Committee, National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping, 2005- present; Program Committee, NSF-Earthscope Annual Meeting; Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, 2001-02
- 2001 | PhD Geology Arizona State University
- 1996 | B.S. Geological and Environmental Sciences Stanford University
Professional Experience
- 2005 - Present | Assistant Professor Stanford University
- 2003 - 2004 | Postdoctoral Research Associate University of California, Berkeley
- 2002 - 2003 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow Universitaet Potsdam
- 2001 - 2002 | Postdoctoral Researcher Universitaet Potsdam
Honors & Awards
- 2009 | School of Earth Sciences Award for Excellence in Teaching
- 2006 | AGU Outstanding Reviewer Citation - JGR Earth Surface
- 2006 - Present | Terman Fellowship - Stanford University
- 2001 - 2002 | Alexander von Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
University Service
- Member, Graduate Student Admissions Committee, 2006–2011.
- Member, Computational Seismology Search Committee, Department of Geophysics, 2007.
- Member, School of Earth Sciences Council, 2008.
de facto GES representative to proposed Hazards Initiative, 2009–2011. - Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, 2010–2011.
- Lecturer, New Student Orientation, 2010.
- Lecturer, Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Stanford Orientation, 2010.
Professional Activities
- 2009 | Invited Speaker - San Jose State University
- 2009 | Invited Speaker - United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA
- 2009 | Invited Speaker - Penninsula Geological Society
- 2009 | Invited Keynote Speaker - 2009 Long-Range Science Goals for Geodesy Community Workshop
- 2008 | Invited Keynote Speaker - Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics Meeting, Milano, Italy
- 2007 | Invited Speaker - University of California, Santa Cruz
- 2006 – 2007 | Program Committee Member, 2007 Earthscope Annual National Meeting
- 2005 | Invited Speaker - University of California, Los Angeles
- 2004 | Invited Speaker - Department of Geoscience, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- 2004 | Invited Speaker - Department of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California
- 2004 | Invited Speaker - Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University
- 2004 | Invited Speaker - Department of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon
- 2004 | Invited Speaker - Berkeley Seismology Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley
- 2004 – 2008 | Steering Committee Member, National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping
- 2003 Invited Speaker - Department of Geology, University of California, Davis
- 2003 | Invited Speaker - Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University
- 2003 | Invited Speaker - Berkeley Seismology Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley
- 2002 | Invited Speaker - International Quality Network (IQN) Paleoseismology Workshop, Potsdam, Germany
- 2002 | Invited Speaker - Geology Department Colloquium, University of South Florida
- 2001 | Invited Speaker - United States Geological Survey Earthquake Hazards Seminar
Courses Taught
- 2011 (Spring) | GES 311 Interpretation of Landscapes I [Enrolled 3]
- 2011 (Spring) | GES 336 Alpine Project Seminar [Enrolled 6]
- 2011 (Spring) | GES 190 Field Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2011 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2011 (Winter) | GES 336 Alpine Project Seminar [Enrolled 7]
- 2011 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2010 (Fall) | GES 336 Alpine Project Seminar [Enrolled 12]
- 2010 (Fall) | GES 1A Intro Geology: Physical Earth [Enrolled 32]
- 2010 (Fall) | Topics in Tectonic Geomorph [Enrolled 4]
- 2010 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2010 (Summer) | GES 385 Practical Experience [Enrolled 1]
- 2010 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 4]
- 2010 (Spring) | GES 199 Honors Program [Enrolled 1]
- 2010 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2010 (Winter) | GES 199 Honors Program [Enrolled 2]
- 2010 (Summer) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2009 (Spring) | GES 199 Honors Program [Enrolled 1]
- 2009 (Spring) | GES 290 Departmental Seminar in GES (w/ Payne) [Enrolled 3]
- 2009 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2009 (Winter) | GES 290 Departmental Seminar in GES [Enrolled 3]
- 2009 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2009 (Winter) | GES 192 Ugrad Research in G&ES [Enrolled 1]
- 2009 (Summer) | GES 385 Practical Experience [Enrolled 1]
- 2009 (Summer) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 2]
- 2009 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 2]
- 2009 (Fall) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2009 (Fall) | GES 212 Topics in Tectonic Geomorph [Enrolled 3]
- 2009 (Fall) | GES 199 Honors Program [Enrolled 2]
- 2009 (Fall) | GES 1A Intro Geology: Physical Earth [Enrolled 21]
- 2009 (Summer) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2008 (Fall) | GES 290 Departmental Seminar in GES (w/ Payne) [Enrolled 5]
- 2008 (Fall) | GES 212 Topics in Tectonic Geomorph [Enrolled 4]
- 2008 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 3]
- 2008 (Fall) | GES 1 Fundamentals of Earth Science [Enrolled 47]
- 2008 (Winter) | GES 290 Departmental Seminar in GES (w/ Payne) [Enrolled 1]
- 2008 (Winter) | GES 192 Ugrad Research in G&ES [Enrolled 2]
- 2008 (Spring) | GES 290 Departmental Seminar in GES (w/ Payne) [Enrolled 4]
- 2008 (Summer) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 2]
- 2008 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 2]
- 2008 (Spring) | GES 192 Ugrad Research in G&ES [Enrolled 1]
- 2008 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 212 Topics in Tectonics Geomorph [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 42N Landscapes Tectonics SF [Enrolled 5]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 290 Departmental Seminar in GES (w/ Payne) [Enrolled 5]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 310 Climate Change [Enrolled 3]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 192 Ugrad Research in G&ES [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 212 Topics in Tectonic Geomorph [Enrolled 3]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 42N Landscapes [Enrolled 3]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 310 Climate Change [Enrolled 4]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Fall) | GES 299 Field Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Winter) | GES 192 Ugrad Research in G&ES [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Winter) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Summer) | GES 802 TGR Dissertation [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Summer) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 2]
- 2007 (Spring) | GES 801 TGR Prooject [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Spring) | GES 192 Ugrad Research in G&Es [Enrolled 1]
- 2007 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Fall) | GES 212 TOPICS IN TECTONIC GEOMORPH [Enrolled 3]
- 2006 (Fall) | GES 310 Climate Change [Enrolled 4]
- 2006 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 2]
- 2006 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Fall) | GES 42N Landscapes [Enrolled 3]
- 2006 (Winter) | GES 192 Ugrad Research in G&ES [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Summer) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 2]
- 2006 (Spring) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Winter) | GES 801 TGR Project [Enrolled 1]
- 2006 (Spring) | GES 192 Ugrad Research in G&ES [Enrolled 1]
- 2005 (Fall) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2005 (Fall) | GES 212 Topics in Tectonic Geomorph [Enrolled 9]
- 2005 (Fall) | GES 42N Landscapes [Enrolled 6]
- 2005 (Spring) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2005 (Winter) | GES 400 Graduate Research [Enrolled 1]
- 2005 (Fall) | GES 310 Climate Change [Enrolled 6]
- Lewicki, J. L., Hilley, G. E., Dobeck, L., and Marino, B. V. (in press). Eddy covariance imaging of diffuse volcanic CO2 emissions at Mammoth Mountain, CA, USA, Bulletin of Volcanology.
- Moon, S.G., Chamberlain, C. P., Blisniuk, K., Levine, N., Rood, D. H., and Hilley, G. E. (in press). Climatic control of denudation in the deglaciated landscape of the Washington Cascades, Nature Geosciences.
- Covault, J. C., Fildani, A., Romans, B., Graham, S. A., and Hilley, G. E. (in press). Terrestrial source to deep-sea sink sediment budgets at high and low sea levels: insights from tectonically active southern California, Geology.
- Chevalier, M.-L., Hilley, G. E., Tapponnier, P., Van Der Woerd, J., Liu-Zeng, J., Finkel, R. C., Ryerson, F. J., Li, H. and Liu, X. (2011). Constraints on the late Quaternary glaciations in Tibet from cosmogenic exposure ages of moraine surfaces, Quaternary Science Reviews, 30, 528-554. [pdf]
- Cruz, L., Malinski, J., Hernandez, M., Take, A., and Hilley, G. E. (2011). Erosional control of the kinematics of the Aconcagua Fold-and-thrust Belt from numerical simulations and physical experiments, Geology, 39, 439-442. [pdf]
- Strecker, M. R., Hilley, G. E., Bookhagen, B., and Sobel, E. R. (in press). Structural, geomorphic, and depositional characteristics of contiguous and broken foreland basins: examples from the eastern flanks of the central Andes in Bolivia and NW Argentina in Recent Advances in Tectonics of Sedimentary Basins, Busby, C. and Azor, A, editors.
- Porder, S. and Hilley, G. E. (2011). Linking chronosequences with the rest of the world—predicting soil phosphorus content in eroding landscapes, Biogeochemistry, 102, 153-166. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E. and Coutand, I. (2010). Links between topography, erosion, rheological heterogeneity, and deformation in contractional settings: insights from the Central Andes, Tectonophysics, 95, 78-92. [pdf]
- DeLong, S., Hilley, G. E., Rymer, M., and C. S. Prentice (2010). Fault zone structure from topography: Signatures of en échelon fault slip at Mustang Ridge on the San Andreas Fault, Monterey County, California, USA, Tectonics, 29, TC5003. [pdf]
- Vitousek, P. M., Chadwick, O. A., Hilley, G. E., Kirch, P. V., and T. E. Ladefoged (2010). Erosion, geological history, and indigenous agriculture: A tale of two valleys, Ecosystems, 13, 782-793. [pdf]
- Cruz, L., Malinski, J., Wilson, A., Take, A. and Hilley, G. E. (2010). Erosional control of the kinematics and geometry of fold-and-thrust belts imaged in a physical and numerical sandbox, Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 115, B09404. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., Chamberlain, C. P., Moon, S. G., Porder, S. and Willett, S. (2010). Competition between erosion and reaction kinetics in controlling silicate weathering rates, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 293, 191-199. [pdf]
- Rowland, J. C., Hilley, G. E., and Fildani, A. (2010). A test of submarine leveed channel initiation by deposition alone, Journal of Sedimentary Research, 80, 710-727. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., DeLong, S., Prentice, C., Blisniuk, K., and Arrowsmith, J R. (2010). Morphologic dating of fault scarps using Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM) data, Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L04301. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., Mynatt, I., Pollard, D. D. (2010). Structural geometry of Raplee Ridge monocline and thrust fault imaged using inverse Boundary Element Modeling and ALSM Data, Journal of Structural Geology, 32, 45—58, doi:10.1016/j.jsg.2009.06.015. [pdf]
- Lewicki, J. L., Hilley, G. E., Dobeck, L. and Spangler, L. (2010). Dynamics of CO2 fluxes and concentrations during a shallow subsurface CO2 release, Environmental Earth Sciences, 60, 285—297. [pdf]
- Lewicki, J. L. and Hilley, G. E. (2009). Eddy covariance mapping and quantification of CO2 leakage fluxes, Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L21802, doi:10.1029/2009GL040775. [pdf]
- Lewicki, J. L., Hilley, G. E., Fisher, M., Oldenburg, C., Dobek, L., and Spangler, L. (2009). Eddy covariance observations of surface leakage during shallow subsurface CO2 releases. Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres, 114, D12302, doi:10.1029/2008JD011217. [pdf]
- Strecker, M. R., Alonso, R., Bookhagen, B., Carrapa, B., Coutand, I., Hain, M. P., Hilley, G. E., Mortimer, E., Schoenbohm, L,. and Sobel, E. R. (2009). Does the topographic distribution of the central Andean Plateau result from climatic or geodynamic processes? Geology, 37, 643—646. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., Johnson, K. M., Wang, M., Shen, Z.-K., and Bürgmann, R. (2008). Earthquake-cycle deformation and fault slip rates in northern Tibet, Geology, 37, 31—34. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E. and Porder, S. (2008). A framework for predicting global silicate weathering and CO2 drawdown rates over geologic time-scales, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105, 16,855—16,859. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., and Arrowsmith, J R. (2008). Geomorphic response to uplift along the Dragon’s Back Pressure Ridge, Carrizo Plain, California, Geology, 36, 367-370. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., and Young, J. J. (2008). Evaluation of layer ages, earthquakes, and their recurrence I: Development and evaluation of new Bayesian Markov-Chain Monte Carlo simulation methods applied to excavations with continuous peat growth, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 98, 383—406. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., and Young, J. J. (2008). Evaluation of layer ages, earthquakes, and their recurrence II: Analysis of paleoseismic excavation data and earthquake behavior along the central and southern San Andreas Fault, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 98, 407—439. [pdf]
- Lewicki, J. L., Fischer, M. L., and Hilley, G. E. (2008). Six-week time series of eddy covariance CO2 flux at Mammoth Mountain, California: performance evaluation and role of meteorological forcing, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 171, 178-190. [pdf]
- Hren M.T., Hilley G.E., Chamberlain, C.P. (2007). The relationship between tectonic uplift and chemical weathering rates in the Washington Cascades: Field measurements and model predictions, American Journal of Science, 307, 1041—1063. [pdf]
- Hren, M. T., Chamberlain, C. P., Hilley, G. E., Bookhagen, B. (2007). Major ion chemistry of the Yarlung Tsangpo/Brahmaputra river: Chemical weathering, erosion, and CO2 consumption in the southern Tibetan Plateau and Eastern Syntaxis of the Himalaya, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71, 2907-2935. [pdf]
- Johnson, K., Hilley, G. E., and Bürgmann, R. (2007). Influence of lithosphere viscosity structure on estimates of fault slip rate in the Mojave region of the San Andreas fault system, Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 112, B07408, doi:10.1029/2006JB004842. [pdf]
- Lewicki, J. L., Hilley, G. E., Tosha, T., Aoyagi, R, Yamamoto, K, and Benson, S. M. (2007). Dynamic coupling of volcanic CO2 flow and wind at the Horseshoe Lake tree kill, Mammoth Mountain, CA, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L03401. [pdf]
- Mynatt, I, Hilley, G. E., and Pollard, D. D. (2007). Inferring fault characteristics using fold geometry constrained by Airborne Laser Swath Mapping at Raplee Ridge, UT, Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L16315, doi:10.1029/2007GL030548. [pdf]
- Porder, S., Hilley, G. E., and Chadwick, O. A. (2007). Chemical weathering, mass loss, and dust inputs across a climate by time matrix in the Hawaiian Islands, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 258, 414-427. [pdf]
- Porder, S., Vitousek, P. M., Chadwick, O. A., Chamberlain, C. P., and Hilley, G. E. (2007). Uplift, erosion, and phosphorous limitation in terrestrial ecosystems, Ecosystems, 10.1007/s10021-006-9011-x, 10, 159—171. [pdf]
- Strecker, M. R., Alonso, R. N., Bookhagen, B., Carrapa, B., Hilley, G. E., Sobel, E. R., and M. H. Trauth (2007). Tectonics and climate of the southern Central Andes, Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 35, 747-787. [pdf]
- Alonso, R. N., Carrapa, B., Coutand, I., Haschke, M., Hilley, G. E., Schoenbohm, L., Sobel, E. R., Trauth, M. H., Villanueva, A. (2006). Tectonics, climate, and landscape evolution of the southern Central Andes: The Argentine Puna Plateau and adjacent Regions between 22 and 28°S lat, in The Andes—Active Subduction Orogeny; Frontiers in Earth Sciences, ed. O. Oncken, G. Chong, G. Franz, P. Giese, H.-J. Götze, et al., Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 265—283. [pdf]
- Bürgmann, R., Hilley, G. E., and Ferretti, A. (2006). Resolving Vertical Tectonics in the San Francisco Bay Area from Permanent Scatterer InSAR and GPS Analysis, Geology, 34, 221-224. [pdf]
- Bürgmann, R., Kogan, M. Levin, V., Hilley, G. E., Steblov, G., and Apel, E. (2005). Interseismic coupling and asperity distribution along the Kamchatka subduction zone, Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 110, B07405, doi:10.1029/2005JB003648. [pdf]
- Carrapa, B., Adelmann, D., Strecker, M. R., Hilley, G. E., Sobel, E. R., Mortimer, E. (2005). Oligocene uplift and development of plateau morphology in the southern central Andes, Tectonics, 24, TC4011, doi:10.1029/2004TC001762. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., Blisniuk, P., and M. R. Strecker (2005). Mechanics and erosion of basement-cored uplift provinces, Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 110, B12409, doi:10.1029/2005JB003704. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., Bürgmann, R., Zhang, P.-Z., and Molnar, P. (2005). Bayesian inference of plastosphere viscosities near the Kunlun Fault, northern Tibet, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, doi:10.1029/2004GL021658, L01302. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., Strecker, M. R. (2005). Processes of oscillatory basin filling and excavation in a tectonically active orogen: Quebrada del Toro Basin, NW Argentina. Bulletin, Geological Society of America, 117, 887-901. [pdf]
- Lewicki, J. L., Hilley, G. E., and Oldenburg, C. M. (2005). An improved strategy to detect CO2 leakage for verification of geologic carbon sequestration, Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L19403, doi:10.1029/2005GL024281. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., Bürgmann, R., Ferretti, A., Novali, F., and Rocca, F. (2004). Dynamics of slow-moving landslides from Permanent Scatterer Analysis. Science, 304, 1952—1954. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., Strecker, M. R., and Ramos, V. A. (2004). Growth and erosion of fold-and-thrust belts, with an application to the Aconcagua Fold-and-Thrust Belt, Argentina. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 109, doi:10.1029/2002JB002282. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E. and Strecker, M. R. (2004). Steady-state erosion of critical Coulomb wedges with applications to Taiwan and the Himalaya. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 109, doi:10.1029/2002JB002284. [pdf]
- Lewicki, J.L., Hilley, G. E., and Connor, C. (2004). The scaling relationship between self-potential and fluid flow on Masaya volcano, Nicaragua, in Water-Rock Interaction: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium, ed. R. B. Wanty and R. R. Seal, London: Taylor and Francis, pp. 153—156.
- Lewicki, J. L., Evans, W. C, Hilley, G. E., Sorey, M. L., Rogie, J. D., and Brantley, S. L. (2003). Shallow CO2 flow along the San Andreas and Calavaras Faults, CA, Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 108, 2187, doi:10.1029/2002JB002141. [pdf]
- Sobel, E. R., Hilley G. E., and Strecker, M. R. (2003). Formation of internally-drained contractional basins by aridity-limited bedrock incision, Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, 108, 2344, doi:10.1029/2002JB001883. [pdf]
- Strecker, M. R., Hilley G. E., Arrowsmith, J R., and Coutand, I. (2003). Differential structural and geomorphic mountain-front evolution in an active continental collision zone: the NW Pamir, southern Kyrgystan, Bulletin, Geological Society of America, 115, 166—181. [pdf]
- Coutand, I., Strecker, M. R., Arrowsmith, J R., Hilley, G. E., Thiede, R. C., Korjenkov, A., and Omuraliev, M. (2002). Late Cenozoic tectonic development of the intramontane Alai Valley, (Pamir-Tien Shan region, Central Asia): an example for intracontinental deformation related to the Indo-Eurasia collision. Tectonics, 21, 1053, doi:10.1029/2002TC001358. [pdf]
- Hazelton, K., Hilley, G. E., and Strecker, M. R. (2002). Average Pleistocene climatic patterns in the southern Central Andes: Controls on mountain glaciation and paleoclimate implications, Journal of Geology, 110, 211—226. [pdf]
- Wilsey, S. P., Umhoefer, P. J., and Hilley, G. E. (2002). Initial breaching and evolution of an extensional monocline by a propagating normal fault, Baja California Sur, Mexico, Journal of Structural Geology, 24, 651—669. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., Arrowsmith, J R., Amoroso, L. (2001). Interaction between normal faults and fractures and fault scarp morphology, Geophysical Research Letters, 28, 3777—3780. [pdf]
- Hilley, G. E., Arrowsmith, J R., and Stone, E. M. (2001). Inferring Segment Strength Contrasts and Boundaries along Low-Friction Faults Using Surface Offset Data, with an Example from the Cholame-Carrizo Segment Boundary along the San Andreas Fault, Southern California, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 91, 427—440. [pdf]
Advisee Degrees
- 2008 | Alice Letcher: Deformation history of the Susques Basin (~23⁰S, 66⁰W), Puna Plateau, NW Argentina: new constraints by Apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronology and ⁴⁰Ar-³⁹ Ar geochronology, and implications for plateau formation in the Central Andes, M.S. (Arizona State University)
iTunes U