Eric M. Dunham

Title: | Assistant Professor |
Primary Affiliation: | Department of Geophysics |
Office Location: | Mitchell Bldg 325 |
Alternative Website: | |
Phone: | (650) 725-6989 |
Fax: | (650) 725-7344 |
E-mail: | |
I study the mechanics and physics of earthquakes. Our group has been developing numerical models of rupture propagation that incorporate sophisticated descriptions of the processes within and around the fault zone that are thought to control how fault strength evolves during rapid slip. The models include transport of heat and pore fluid within fault zones, microscopic weakening processes that have been observed in laboratory experiments, and inelastic deformation of the off-fault material. We are using these models to explore how earthquake ruptures excite seismic waves, with a particular focus on strong ground motion and seismic hazard. Recently, my group and I have been working to understand the origin of incoherent high frequency ground motion by directly modeling rupture propagation on fractally rough fault surfaces. This effort involves high-performance computing, using resources at the Stanford Center for Computational Earth and Environmental Science as well as the national TeraGrid supercomputer centers. A second recent project focuses on seismic waves from volcanic eruptions. We have developed a code that solves for the fully coupled flow of a compressible, viscous magma through cracks and conduits in deformable solids. We hope to learn about the dynamics of eruptions from seismic signals recorded at Earth's surface.
As part of our new geophysics undergraduate curriculum I teach a course (Geophysics 120: Ice, Water, Fire) in which we apply the principles of continuum mechanics to explain readily observed properties of tsunamis and ocean waves, volcanic eruptions, and ice sheets and glaciers. At the graduate level, I teach earthquake seismology (Geophysics 287: Earthquake Seismology) and have lead seminars on several topics including strong ground motion modeling for seismic hazard analysis and fluid dynamics of volcanic eruptions.
Professional Activities
Co-organizer for SIAM Geosciences Minisymposium on Computational Challenges in Earthquake Simulation, 2011; Delegate for U.S.-Japan Natural Resources (UJNR) Panel on Earthquake Research, 2010; Co-convener for International Workshop on Multiscale and Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics, 2010; USGS-NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program) External Program review panel, 2010; Co-organizer for Southern California Earthquake Center earthquake rupture code validation project, 2007-present; Co-convener for Southern California Earthquake Center Workshop on Dynamic Weakening Mechanisms, 2009; Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 2005-08; Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard University, 2008; Editors' Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for Geophysical Research Letters, 2007
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