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Stanford Student-Sponsored Outreach

Featured Programs

Inspiring Future Scientists in Chemistry

The Chemistry Department at Stanford sponsors a high school outreach program aimed at exposing students toexciting chemistry labs, graduate school, research and the steps to becoming a scientist.  Small outreach groups from Stanford Chemistry are hosting presentations on- and off-campus for local high school students.

Haas Science In Service

Science in Service is a program developed by Stanford's HAAS Center for Public Service that connects Stanford students to young people in our local communities through science mentorship and after-school science clubs.

Henry's Place

Henry's Place is an after-school program designed to motivate and excite kids about learning through fun, hands-on, interactive activities. Each Stanford student is paired up with one elementary school student for a quarter (and longer if possible) in order to foster a bond between the two. Our focus is on creativity though science.

Science Bus

The Science Bus offers an after-school science curriculum for grade school children at the East Palo Alto Charter School (EPACS), a great school in a low-income part of the San Francisco Bay Area. The program is developed and taught by graduate and undergraduate students at Stanford University. We welcome any member of the Stanford Community who has knowledge of science and an interest in teaching to join us and make a difference in the lives of promising young students.

Optical Society of America - Stanford Student Chapter

Stanford's student chapter of the Optical Society of America is active in outreach to K-12 students and teachers. We offer hands-on demos and exhibits at Stanford's Community Day and at professional development programs for local high school physics teachers. Stanford students interested in optics are invited to participate

Society of Women Engineers Outreach

SWE sponsors a number of K-12 outreach programs, including Exploring New Worlds, Middle School Outreach, and Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS) competitions called Tests of Engineering, Aptitude, Mathematics and Science (TEAMS).

Educational Studies Program/Splash!

Stanford ESP provides a fun and affordable educational experience for high school students through academic and non-academic classes taught by student volunteers at Stanford.

Stanford undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to participate in the program by teaching a class of their choosing, from 1-4 hours long, with an attendance cap you set: anywhere from 10-150 students. We can provide you with material, teacher training, and help designing your course. Time commitment is as short as teaching your class and preparing for it, or we can use your help in preparing and running our event. We are 100% student-run.

Materials Research Society

The Stanford Materials Research Society (MRS) group encourages interdisciplinary communication and education about materials issues. Stanford MRS accomplishes this by organizing social gatherings of students from various engineering and science departments interested in materials research. MRS is also active with a number of different outreach programs in the Bay Area that emphasize science education.



SEEDS is an education program of the Ecological Society of America. Its mission is to diversify and advance the profession of ecology through opportunities that stimulate and nurture the interest of underrepresented students. Focused at the undergraduate level, opportunities sponsored by the program include student field trips, undergraduate research fellowships, ESA Annual Meeting travel awards, and campus ecology chapters. 

EPATT (East Palo Alto Tennis & Tutoring)

EPATT is a non-profit youth development organization serving K-12th grade students. Through one-on-one tutoring, tennis lessons, direct instruction, college counseling and parent education, we prepare students for a productive future. Most of our volunteers are Stanford undergraduates and graduate students.

Stanford Polymer Collective

The Stanford Polymer Collective (SPC) is an interdisciplinary student group that strives to fulfill every aspect of its name. SPC has identified a need for a more unified and connected resource network for polymer researchers on Stanford’s campus. We hold regular meetings that range from student research talks, industry site tours, and invited speaker presentations. In order to enhance the university and local community, we organize outreach events to educate the public about the exciting realm of polymer-based materials that we interact with every day.

All Programs

Inspiring Future Scientists in Chemistry

Haas Science In Service

Henry's Place

Science Bus

School of Engineering Student Organizations

Optical Society of America - Stanford Student Chapter

Society of Women Engineers Outreach

Educational Studies Program/Splash!

Stanford Alchemy Society

Materials Research Society


EPATT (East Palo Alto Tennis & Tutoring)

Anjna Patient Education

Stanford Polymer Collective