Lectures & Public Events
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Does Social Networking Have Side Effects?
February 16, 2013
Stanford Women in Space
February 11, 2013
Rubik, Escher, Bank$
October 30, 2012
Guided Hike Along the San Andreas Fault
October 28, 2012
Does a Scientific Approach to Cooking Kill the Joy?
October 27, 2012
Is Nature or Man the Most Effective Bioterrorist?
September 23, 2012
In the Shadow of the HIGGS!
July 31, 2012
The John Lennon Educational Tour Bus Visits Campus
February 11 - 13, 2012
Discovery Day at AT&T Park
November 6, 2011
Stanford Saturday University
November 5, 2011
Wonder Dialogue: The Science of Painting
November 4, 2011
Guided Hike Along the San Andreas Fault
October 29, 2011
Wonder Dialogue: Is Animation More Science than Art?
October 26, 2011
Infinite Reality: Avatars, Eternal Life, New Worlds, and the Dawn of the Virtual Revolution
July 28, 2011
Shark and Awe: The Extreme Life of the Sea
July 14, 2011
Fuels from Sunlight: Converting Solar Energy
June 16, 2011
Generation Ageless: Longevity and the Boomers -- Consequences for our World and Ourselves
October 23, 2010
USA Science & Engineering Festival
October 10 - 24, 2010
The Next Wave in Wireless Technology
July 29, 2010
How are Drugs Developed and Why Is It So Expensive?
July 15, 2010
Stem Cells and the Future of Regenerative Medicine
July 1, 2010
Driving Safely Into the Future
June 17, 2010
Roger Kornberg
May 12, 2010
Patrick Suppes
April 21, 2010
Evolution and Genomics Symposium
April 17, 2010
Evolution and Genomics Symposium - Short Talks
April 17, 2010
Evolution and Genomics Symposium
April 16, 2010
Myths and Realities of an Aging Society
April 13, 2010
Stanley Cohen
March 10, 2010
George Schaller: A Naturalist in the World's Wilderness
February 17, 2010
Douglas Osheroff
February 3, 2010
Zap! The X-ray Laser Is Born
November 17, 2009
Wonderfest-Festival of Science 2009
November 7 - 8, 2009
William H. Durham
November 4, 2009
William F. Sharpe
October 7, 2009
Journey to the Center of the Earth: Exploring High Pressure
September 29, 2009
Long Life in the 21st Century
August 13, 2009
State of Energy Address—Are We on the Right Track?
July 23, 2009
The Secret Life of Viruses
July 9, 2009
Who Owns Life?
June 25, 2009
Paul Berg
May 20, 2009
Black Holes, the Brightest Objects in the Universe
April 28, 2009
Kenneth Arrow
April 15, 2009
Burton Richter
March 4, 2009
Daphne Koller
February 11, 2009
Darwin Day Celebration
February 8, 2009
Carl Djerassi
January 14, 2009
Robert Sapolsky
November 12, 2008
Wonderfest-Festival of Science 2008
November 1 - 2, 2008
The Make-Believe World of Real-World Physics
October 30, 2008
Confessions of a Converted Lecturer
October 30, 2008
Sidney Drell
October 21, 2008
Powering the Future with Sustainable Energy
August 21, 2008
Why is Earthquake Prediction so Difficult?
July 10, 2008
How People Learn
April 29, 2008
Materials to Heal & Rebuild the Human Body
February 28, 2008
Computing and the Problem of Evil
November 7, 2007
"Life in Motion" Symposium
October 25, 2007
Public Roundtable, "The Fight for Oil, Water & a Healthy Planet
October 13, 2007
Drugs: One Size Does Not Fit All
August 9, 2007
Cool Hands, Better Performance
July 26, 2007
Recent Advances in Heart Surgery
July 12, 2007
Making Pictures of What We See Every Day
April 26, 2007
From Dust to Dust: Examining Cometary Particles
February 28, 2007
Embryonic Stem Cells: Science, Ethics, and Politics
August 31, 2006
Archmides: Ancient Text Revealed with X-ray Vision
August 3, 2006
100 Years After 1906: A Century of Progress in Understanding Earthquakes and Their Effects
July 20, 2006
Back to Life: The Rebirth of the Monterey Coast
June 22, 2006