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Stanford Rates

Stanford uses many different rates for both sponsored and non-sponsored activities. Use these rates when proposing costs.
[ note: do not use vacation/DLS rates in proposals ]


Facilities & Administrative Cost Rates

Fiscal Year
Organized Research
Sponsored Instruction
Other Spon Activity
Animal Care
Agrmnt Date
Off * 
Prov FY13 57.0% 30.2% 59.8% 32% 46.0% 31.0% 71.6% 8/30/2012
FY12 57.00% 30.20% 61.00% 32.00% 46.00% 31.00% **84.00% 8/5/2011
FY11 56.60% + 30.50% + 61.00% 32.00% + 46.00% 31.00% **84.00% 8/5/2011
FY10 60.00% 30.00% 54.00% 26.50% 32.50% 26.60% 81.00% 10/10/2008
FY09 60.00% 30.00% 44.30% 26.50% 32.00% 26.60% 79.00% 10/10/2008
FY08 58.00% 30.00% 42.00% 26.60% 36.50% 78.00% 8/31/2006
FY07 56.50%


41.50% 26.60% 36.50% 78.00% 8/31/2006
FY06 56.00% 28.00% 40.00% 27.00% 35.40% 76.50% 7/1/2004
FY05 57.00% 28.00% 40.00% 27.00% 35.40% 76.50% 7/1/2004
FY04 60.00% 30.00% 43.00% 27.30% 33.00% 77.50% 9/18/2002
FY03 58.00% 30.00% 43.00% 27.30% 33.00% 77.00% 9/18/2002
FY02 57.00% 30.00% 40.00% 27.00% 26.00% 79.00% 7/6/2000
FY01 57.00% 30.00% 40.00% 27.00% 26.00% 77.70% 7/6/2000
FY00 56.40% 30.00% 41.00% 27.20% 27.20% 77.70% 10/4/99
FY99 55.30% 30.10% 38.50% 27.20% 24.70% 77.70% 6/28/99
FY98 55.00% 29.60% 37.50% 27.00% 24.00% 77.70% 6/9/98

+ These rates are waived to the provisional FY11 F&A rates on all awards that are fixed for life at the FY11 rates. See FAQ on FY11/FY12 F&A rates for the waived rates.
* Off Campus explanation.
**The Veterinary Service Center waived the FY2011 and FY2012 animal care indirect cost rates to 81% from the 84% rate documented in the signed rate agreement.  The 81% rate is charged on all purchases of services from the Veterinary Service Center. 

Questions? Contact Thomas Wong (3-9020)

Additional Information on F&A Rates:

Fringe Benefit Rates

Fiscal Year Regular Post Docs Graduate RA/TA Contingent
Prov FY13 30.3%
(Note 1)
28.4% 5.0% 8.2% 1.75%
FY12 30.40% 22.50% 4.70% 7.90% 1.60%
FY11 31.10% 19.80% 4.40% 8.30% 1.40%
FY10 30.60% 21.60% 5.00% 8.50% 1.40%
FY09 28.10% 20.70% 4.60% 7.70% 1.75%
FY08 27.90% 20.80% 4.00% 7.60% 1.75%
FY07 29.70% 20.10% 3.80% 8.40% 1.75%
FY06 30.50% 18.40% 3.70% 8.50% 1.45%
FY05 30.50% 19.10% 3.40% 8.90% 1.20%
FY04 29.00% 18.70% 3.50% 9.10% 1.20%
FY03 24.80% 14.80% 3.30% 8.10% 1.20%
FY02 24.00% 11.60%   8.10% 1.45%
FY01 24.10% 13.50%   8.50% 1.45%
FY00 24.10% 13.20%   8.40% 1.45%
FY99 24.80% 13.60%   8.40%  
FY98 25.30% 15.60%   8.40%  

Note 1: This does not include the 1.75% charged against Regular Benefits Eligible employee salaries for non-government projects/accounts only.  The 1.75% contributes to the University's fund for continuation of the Tuition Grant Program for children of faculty and staff.  For further information on the TGP rate, please contact the University Budget Office.

Questions? Contact Stella Hu (5-7437) or Thomas Wong (3-9020)

Additional Information on Fringe Benefit Rates:


Vacation Accrual / Disability Sick Leave Rates
(Include these rates in your Budget Justification but not in your Budget/Forecast)

Fiscal Year
Non Exempt

Bargaining Unit

FY13 8.70% 7.60% 7.60%
FY12 8.90% 8.00% 8.00%
FY11 8.80% 7.60% 7.60%
FY10 8.60% 7.20% 7.20%
FY09 8.70% 7.25% 7.25%
FY08 8.85% 7.50% 7.50%
FY07 8.65% 7.35% 7.35%
FY06 8.60% 7.15% 7.15%
FY05 8.80% 7.40% 7.40%
FY04 8.65% 7.45% 7.45%

p - Provisional Rate
Questions? Contact Stella Hu (5-7437) or Thomas Wong (3-9020)

Further information on the Vacation Accrual/Disability Sick Leave rates, including an example, training material, frequently asked questions, templates and policies, can be found at the Vacation Charges Resource Page


Other Rates

Fiscal Year Graduate Student Stipend
FY13 5.5% 8.0% 4.6%
FY12 5.25% 8.0% 4.6%
FY11 5.25% 8.0% 4.6%
FY10 5.50% 8.0% 4.6%
FY09 5.50% 8.0% 4.6%
FY08 5.25% 8.0% 4.6%
FY07 5.25% 8.0% 4.6%
FY06 5.00% 8.0% 4.6%
FY05 4.00% 6.0% 4.6%
FY04 4.00% 6.0% 4.6%
FY03 3.70% 6.0% 4.6%

** Effective FY06 (starting September 1, 2005) Stanford University has implemented a revised infrastructure policy. More information about this policy can be found in the Stanford Administrative Guide 37.3.

Navigation Links
Cost & Management Analysis

Stanford Rates
Burden Expenditure Type Mapping
Misc Receivables
Printer-Friendly Rate Table
Rate Agreements
Rate Calculation
Fringe Calculation
Implementing Infrastructure
Applying the TGP Fringe Benefit Rate
Student Stipends
Preapproved IDC Waiver List
Capital Projects, AGM 83
How to Read a Fund Statement
FAQ on Final FY11/12 Rates

Related Links
Graduate Student Salary & Tuition Tables
Stanford Tuition Grant Program