Congratulations to . . . Stanford and SLAC physicist AHARON KAPITULNIK, who received the 2009 Heike Kamerlingh Onnes Prize for Outstanding Superconductivity Experiments earlier this month at the Ninth International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity in Tokyo. Kapitulnik, who is chair of the Department of Applied Physics, shared the prize with Brookhaven National Laboratory physicists J. C. Seamus Davis and John Tranquada. “[The Onnes] is one of the most eminent prizes in the field of superconductivity,” said ZHI-XUN SHEN, director of the Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Science. “The award recognizes the outstanding scientific contributions Aharon has made.” . . .
BILL LARSON, who coordinates the Department of Public Safety’s crime prevention and risk management efforts, was awarded the 2008-2009 California Crime Prevention Officers’ Association Practitioner of the Year Award for Region 11, which includes all agencies in Alameda, Monterey, San Benito, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties. . . .
JAYNE APPEL, captain of the women’s basketball team, was named one of Glamour magazine’s top 10 college women for 2009. According to the article, Appel, a senior, devotes seven hours a day to basketball, but the psychology major’s other passion is advocacy work on behalf of the mentally ill.