SINTN Stanford Institute for Neuro-Innovation & Translational Neurosciences

PhD Program

Welcome to the Stanford Neuroscience PhD program. We are a diverse community of neuroscientists with interests spanning from the behavior of individual molecules to that of awake behaving animals. Questions being addressed by our students and faculty address such issues as development of the nervous system, assembly of synapses, neurodegeneration, pain perception, neuroplasticity, sleep, epilepsy, cognitive processing, machine-brain interfaces, and many others.

The 114 faculty and 88 students in this interdepartmental program are housed in more than 19 different departments, mainly in an adjacent set of buildings on our centralized campus. Collaborations, often motivated by our students' interests, are a common theme.

Please explore this web site to learn more about the program. If you are a prospective student, please be sure to go to the Admissions Info page to learn how to apply, as well as the Faculty Interests Page to get a quick overview of the diverse interests of the faculty. Finally, you can learn about the structure of the program by visiting the Program of Study page, on which contact information is provided.

If you have questions about our program that are not answered on this web site, please contact us for further information.

John Huguenard
Program Director

Program Contact Information

Ross Colvin
Program Administrator
Neurosciences Program
Modular B, Room 42
1215 Welch Road
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA 94305-5400

TEL:  650.723.9855
FAX:  650.721.6434

Katie Johnson
Program Coordinator
Neurosciences Program
Modular B, #46
1215 Welch Road
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA 94305-5400
TEL:  650.721.1939 FAX:  650.721.6434

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