The New Ensemble Fall Concert originally scheduled for Friday, Oct. 19th has been cancelled. This program will be rescheduled for 2013.
Advance tickets for our paid events are now available at the Stanford Ticket Office. Follow the ticket links in our Concert Calendar.
Stay informed about our concerts and events... many are free to the public! For the latest news, your best source of information about all Department of Music events is our online calendar. You can also download a PDF of our Fall event schedule here, as well as our September/October events with full descriptions here. | All events subject to change.
The Department of Music is now using online forms to process signups for lockers and practice rooms in Braun Music Center. The signup procedures are explained here. Questions and comments regarding the new procedures should be directed to Scott Kepley, Technical Services Manager for the Department of Music.
The site is best viewed with Netscape 6.x+, Internet Explorer 5.x+, and Mozilla 0.x+. Support for drop down menus is limited for Safari. Some features require a JavaScript-enabled browser.
Jeff Nguyen
('04, Music/English), Website Developer
William Keats, Webdeacon