For the latest news, your best source of information about all Department of Music events is our online calendar. You can also download a PDF of our May event schedule here. | All events subject to change. (Updated 4/30/2013)
The Summer Stanford Symphony Orchestra is conducted by Anna Wittstruck. The Summer Orchestra rehearses during July and will present its annual concert on Saturday, July 20th, performing in Bing Concert Hall for the first time. Auditions for the Summer Orchestra are open to all members of the Stanford community. Although Stanford students are given priority, the Summer Orchestra also welcomes musicians from the local and non-Stanford community. Auditions will be held on Monday, July 1st and Tuesday, July 2nd in Braun Music Center. Sign up for an audition here. Information about the audition repertoire and format can be found at the Stanford Symphony Orchestra website. | Find out more about the Summer Stanford Symphony Orchestra here. (Updated 4/15/2013)
The Department of Music offers an eight-week summer session with classes in Piano and Voice starting the week of June 24th. Summer session information can be found here. Registration for summer session classes is open through Thursday, June 7th at 4 p.m. (Updated 3/19/2013)
Phone: 650.723.3811
Email: [email protected]
Receptionist: Ardis Walling | phone: 650.724.6738
Location: Braun Music Center, 541 Lasuen Mall, Stanford, CA 94305-3076 | map
Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-noon & 1-4 p.m.
Lost and found: Contact the Department of Music as detailed above to inquire about your missing items or to report found items. For lost items outside of the Department, contact Campus Police Lost & Found (650.723.9639) or Stanford Ticket Office in Tresidder Memorial Union (650.725.2787).
You can find more Department of Music information here.
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Jeff Nguyen
('04, Music/English), Website Developer
William Keats, Webdeacon