Facilities Planning and Management
Sustainability and the SoM

From Wikipedia.... "[to meet] the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Rebag...... Think before you Ink.......Recycle Reduce Reuse

Click Here to Sign the SoM Sustainability Pledge "I pledge to think about opportunities to incorporate sustainable practices into my everyday life, and act to reduce my environmental impact."

Stanford University "Cardinal Green Newsletter"

See REAL TIME Energy Consumption in Campus Buildings

Office, Transportation, Purchasing and E-Waste Programs<<>>Lab Programs

-80 Freezer Programs<<>> In SoM Buildings <<>> OFPM Contacts <<>> Beckman Bike Repair Station

Ca$h Rebates, Biological Sample Room Temperature Storage, Inventory Control


Ca$h For Clunkers SUSPENDED for remainder of FY12

...this sample storage?


...or this sample storage !




Sustainability Contacts

Sustainability in Your Lab

Sustainability in Your Office


Sustainability & Composting

Sustainability in Our Buildings

Sustainability Presentation

Thank you for using less power, water and paper...


Gary Malinverno 650.736.2774 email [gary.malinverno]
Roldan Penagos 650.721.5615 email [roldanp]


Lab Chemicals
Mercury thermometers

Battery Recycling Program

SoM Locations




SMART STRIPS.... The SoM Office of Facilities Planning and Management has recently begun a campaign to lower office-related power consumption via the use of "Smart Strip" power strips. These power strips have a feature whereby there is a blue "control" outlet which switches all white "normal" outlets off whenever the device plugged in to the blue outlet is itself turned off. There are also red "constant hot" outlets which are not turned off by the blue "control" outlet. Watch a video explaining the Smart Strip...


Smart Strips are available in SmartMart

In Our Buildings

Building Green
OFPM Projects
SoM Efforts
Stanford Efforts

Autoclave Water Conservation

LoFlow and Motion Sensor Devices

Beckman and Fairchild Water Conservation

-80 Freezer Alternative Storage Project and Pilot Study Results

Water Conservation Project

Wind Power Study

Compost, Energy, Water, Buildings, Land,Transportation

Symposium on Bio Sample Stabilization and Management



Low flow/waterless plumbing fixtures throughout
Gray water system making use of wastewater from an adjacent facility
Storm water from roofs treated for water quality via vegetated swales
Onsite storm water infiltration rather than sent into the storm sewer
Optimized shading design to reduce solar heat gain
Window systems and ceilings designed to admit daylight and offset use of electric lighting
White, Energy Star compliant roofing to reflect heat from the sun
Recycled content terrazzo tile
Bamboo veneer for lab casework and interior doors with MDF core; no urea formaldehyde additives
Portable measurement provisions for monitoring individual lab equipment power consumption
Un-occupied hours setback temperatures
Un-occupied hours setback space air change rates
PVC free shade cloth at window coverings
Secure bicycle parking and shower/changing facilities to encourage alternative transportation

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