Index and Facet Field Mapping

What MARC fields are searched in the different searches?

What MARC fields are searched in the different searches?

When you select a type of search from the simple search box drop-down menu or enter your query terms in a particular field in the advanced search, you are telling SearchWorks to look for your query terms in specific fields in the MARC records. Below are the MARC fields and subfields that are searched when selecting a type of search. For the most up-to-date mapping of MARC tags and SearchWorks indexes, see the file on GitHub.

Simple Search

Author Search Fields


The following fields and subfields are searched when selecting "Author" from the simple search box drop-down menu.

  • people, organizations or meeting names - 100abcdgjqu; 110abcdgnu; 111acdegjnqu
  • additional people, organizations or meeting names - 700abcdgjqu; 720ae; 796abcdgjqu; 710abcdgnu; 797abcdgnu; 711acdejngqu; 798acdegjnqu; 800abcdegjqu; 810abcdegnu; 811acdegjnqu

Title Search Fields


The following fields and subfields are searched when selecting "Title" from the simple search box drop-down menu.

  • title - 245abfgknps
  • uniform title - 130adfgklmnoprst; 240adfgklmnoprs
  • variant title - 210ab; 222ab; 242abnp; 243adfgklmnoprs; 246abfgnp; 247abfgnp
  • related title - 505t; 700fgklmnoprst; 710dfgklmnoprst; 711fgklnpst; 730adfgklmnoprst; 740anp; 760st; 762st; 765st; 767st; 770st; 772st; 773st; 774st; 775st; 776st; 777st; 780st; 785st; 786st; 787st; 796fgklmnoprst; 797dfgklmnoprst; 798fgklnpst; 799adfgklmnoprstt
  • series title - 440anpv; 490av; 800[a-x]; 810[a-x]; 811[a-x]; 830[a-x]

Subject Search Fields


The following fields and subfields are searched when selecting "Subject terms" from the simple search box drop-down menu.

  • topic - all alphabetical subfields of fields 650, 653, 654 and 690, except: vxyz
  • topic subdivision - 600x; 610x; 611x; 630x; 650x; 651x; 655x; 656x; 657x; 690x; 691x; 696x; 697x; 698x; 699x
  • geographic names - all alphabetical subfields of fields 651 and 691, except: vxyz
  • other topics (names, genres, titles) - all alphabetical subfields of fields 600, 610, 611, 630, 655, 656, 657, 658, 696, 697, 698 and 699, except subfields: vxyz
  • other topics form and chronological subdivisions - 600vy; 610vy; 611vy; 630vy; 650vy; 651vy; 654vy; 655vy; 656vy; 657vy; 690vy; 691vy; 696vy; 697vy; 698vy; 699vy
  • all topic fields - all alphabetical subfields of fields 600; 610; 611; 630; 648; 650; 651; 652; 653; 654; 655; 656; 657; 658; 662; 690; 691; 696; 697; 698; 699

Call Number Search Fields


The following field and subfield are searched when selecting "Call number" from the simple search box drop-down menu.

  • local call number - 999a

Advanced Search Fields

Author Search Fields


The following fields and subfields are searched when entering your query terms in the "Name" field in advanced search.

  • people, organizations or meeting names - 100abcdgjqu; 110abcdgnu; 111acdegjnqu
  • additional people, organizations or meeting names - 700abcdgjqu; 720ae; 796abcdgjqu; 710abcdgnu; 797abcdgnu; 711acdejngqu; 798acdegjnqu; 800abcdegjqu; 810abcdegnu; 811acdegjnqu

Title Search Fields


The following field and subfield are searched when entering your query terms in the "Title" field in advanced search.

  • title - 245abfgknps
  • uniform title - 130adfgklmnoprst; 240adfgklmnoprs
  • variant title - 210ab; 222ab; 242abnp; 243adfgklmnoprs; 246abfgnp; 247abfgnp
  • related title - 505t; 700fgklmnoprst; 710dfgklmnoprst; 711fgklnpst; 730adfgklmnoprst; 740anp; 760st; 762st; 765st; 767st; 770st; 772st; 773st; 774st; 775st; 776st; 777st; 780st; 785st; 786st; 787st; 796fgklmnoprst; 797dfgklmnoprst; 798fgklnpst; 799adfgklmnoprstt
  • series title - 440anpv; 490av; 800[a-x]; 810[a-x]; 811[a-x]; 830[a-x]

Subject Search Fields


The following fields and subfields are searched when entering your query terms in the "Subject terms" field in advanced search.

  • topic - all alphabetical subfields of fields 650, 653, 654 and 690, except: vxyz
  • topic subdivision - 600x; 610x; 611x; 630x; 650x; 651x; 655x; 656x; 657x; 690x; 691x; 696x; 697x; 698x; 699x
  • geographic names - all alphabetical subfields of fields 651 and 691, except: vxyz
  • other topics (names, genres, titles) - all alphabetical subfields of fields 600, 610, 611, 630, 655, 656, 657, 658, 696, 697, 698 and 699, except subfields: vxyz
  • other topics form and chronological subdivisions - 600vy; 610vy; 611vy; 630vy; 650vy; 651vy; 654vy; 655vy; 656vy; 657vy; 690vy; 691vy; 696vy; 697vy; 698vy; 699vy
  • all topic fields - all alphabetical subfields of fields 600; 610; 611; 630; 648; 650; 651; 652; 653; 654; 655; 656; 657; 658; 662; 690; 691; 696; 697; 698; 699

Table of Contents (ToC) and Summary Fields


The following fields and subfields are searched when entering your query terms in the "Keyword in item description" field and checking the box labelled "Only in ToC/Summary" in advanced search.

  • table of contents - 905art; 505art
  • summary - 920ab; 520ab

Publication Fields


The following fields and subfields are searched when entering your query terms in the "Publisher, place, year" field in advanced search.

  • publication date - 008 field, positions 7-10
  • publisher and place of publication - 260ab

ISBN/ISSN or Other Numbers Search Fields


The following field and subfield is searched when entering the a number or call number in the "ISBN/ISSN or other numbers" field in advanced search.

  • ISBN - 020az; 770z; 772z; 773z; 774z; 775z; 776z; 780z; 785z; 786z; 787z
  • ISSN - 022almyz; 770x; 771x; 772x; 773x; 774x; 775x; 776x; 777x; 778x; 779x; 780x; 781x; 782x; 783x; 784x; 785x; 786x; 787x; 788x; 789x; 490x; 800x; 810x; 811x; 830x
  • OCLC number - 035a with (OCoLC-M) prefix; else: 079a with "ocm" or "ocn" prefix; else: 035a with (OCoLC) prefix
  • ckey - 001a
