

available for checkout
available for in-library use (non-circulating items)
must be requested or paged (SALs, Special Collections, Hoover Archive, any -30 location)
  • if there's an online request form, a request link will be present
currently checked out, or otherwise unavailable (in process, out for repair, etc.)
  • if holds/recalls are allowed for the item, a request link will be present
current status unknown
  • this may be because the live status lookup hasn't completed, or has timed out
  • on the search results page, if there are multiple copies/volumes for a library/location with mixed circulation statuses, the overall status will appear as unknown
  • items in Lane or Jackson have unknown status (as well as a link to the same item in their respective catalogs)


gallery view
  • displays search results in a matrix of title/author and call number with cover images
list view
  • displays search results in a list with title/author and call number
normal view
  • displays search results as brief records with cover images


cite this
  • creates a citation in MLA, APA and Chicago
send to
  • sends record to SMS, email, citation manager, or QR code generator