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Advanced Tuition & Financial Aid

Tuition in 2012-13 is $48,870 and will rise in 2013-14. Tuition is due in October, January, and April

Cost of Living

For single students, room and board in University residences costs approximately $20,187 for the school year. Required books, if purchased new, cost about $1,950 a year. Local transportation, clothing, recreation, and the like are more variable items, but most single students will find that they need to budget a total of at least $77,529 for the school year.

Laptop Computers

Students are required to have laptop computers and are advised to have a printer and modem. In addition to using the laptop computer to write papers and create spreadsheets, students will have the opportunity to take examinations on laptop computers and will receive administrative notices only via electronic mail. Students will be able to purchase a laptop computer from the Stanford Bookstore through a special program with the law school. Students who must purchase a laptop computer to meet this requirement are eligible to have their financial aid budgets increased by as much as $3,300. Only specific computers will meet the needs of the law school's computing systems.