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Juliet M. Brodie
Professor of Law and Director, Stanford Community Law Clinic


Juliet M. Brodie, who directs the Stanford Community Law Clinic, has dedicated her career to the legal rights and interests of low-income people and communities. She has written on the role of clinics in developing and testing new models of legal services delivery to America’s low-wage workers in what she calls the “post-welfare” economy and on the role of community-based clinics in training lawyers to maintain the profession’s commitment to access to justice. She is a frequent speaker on community lawyering, clinical education, and the ethical issues that arise practicing law in a low-income setting. Her research interests include poverty law and the role of law in advancing economic justice for the “have-nots” in American society. Professor Brodie is a member of the editorial board of the Clinical Law Review and of the executive committee of the Section on Poverty Law at the AALS. She is co-chair (2009–2011) of the AALS Clinical Education Section Subcommittee on Lawyering in the Public Interest (Bellow Scholar Program). Before joining the Stanford Law School faculty in 2006, Professor Brodie was an associate clinical professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School. She was formerly a litigation associate at the Boston law firm Hill & Barlow and assistant attorney general for the state of Wisconsin, where she prosecuted health care providers accused of defrauding the Medicaid system.