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Juan-Carlos Sanchez
Director of Research and Technology, Stanford Securities Class Action Clearinghouse


Juan-Carlos Sanchez is a researcher, entrepreneur and economist with expertise in software development. He joined the Securities Class Action Clearinghouse in 2000 to develop the second version of the Securities Class Action Clearinghouse website. Upon his hiring, he updated the original approach of development and data collection and implemented an “expandable-research and database” driven system.

Earlier in his career, he worked in his native country, Venezuela, as an Appellate Court Clerk in the office of Business and Legal Analysis. After graduating from the University of Zulia with a Masters in Economics, he joined the city of Maracaibo Chamber of Commerce as the Director of Legal, Business and Economics Analysis. In this position, Juan-Carlos was recognized for creating a database of novel economic indicators, which became a monthly publication for a nationally recognized newspaper. While still in the Chamber of Commerce he initiated the Venezuela’s Trade Point project in cooperation with the UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development), which facilitated the opening of international markets to small and medium-size enterprises by giving them access to Internet based networks as well as access to all of the providers of services necessary to make a international commercial transaction. After leaving the Chamber of Commerce, Juan-Carlos Sanchez worked in various projects as a researcher and business consultant. One of these projects was the analysis and collection of data on the entire process of privatization of Venezuela’s oil industries of distribution and exploration. His work was later translated into English and published by VenMex and PricewaterhouseCoopers.

As the head of operations of the Securities Class Action Clearinghouse, Juan-Carlos has gathered extensive knowledge on federal securities class action legal proceedings, history and trends. He has spent the last two years optimizing the current system and intensifying his technical expertise as a software and database developer. Currently he is working on an enterprise software development model with the goal of optimizing the legal and analytical work of Stanford’s researchers at levels never achieved in any legal research environment. Juan-Carlos calls this model a true “Research Management System.”