Each year, Stanford Law School welcomes a select number of highly qualified law students from its partner institutions abroad to enroll at Stanford Law School for up to two quarters as non-matriculated students. Currently, our partner institutions are the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg, Germany; the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) in Mexico City, Mexico; the European University Institute in Florence, Italy; Peking University Law School in Beijing, China; the National University of Singapore and the Waseda University Law School in Tokyo, Japan. The program is designed to broaden visiting students’ understanding of the American legal system and legal culture. Students in this program are ordinarily eligible to enroll in upper division (second and third-year) Law School courses under the same conditions as Stanford Law School students.
Instruction in Stanford Law School courses is in English, and students must demonstrate the required level of proficiency in English to participate in the program. Students who wish to participate in this program at Stanford must first apply at their home law school. They must separately apply for admission to the Stanford Law School exchange program. Procedures for applying to the exchange program are linked on this page in the left–side navigation menu under the option "The Application Procedure".
Stanford's application deadline for the exchange program during academic year 2012-2013 — which includes confirmation that the applicant has been nominated for the program by his or her sending school — is April 1, 2012.