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Stanford IP Litigation Clearinghouse


The Intellectual Property Litigation Clearinghouse (IPLC) was originally created by the Stanford Program in Law, Science and Technology under the combined leadership of faculty director Mark Lemley and Joshua Walker (who served as the IPLC executive director) in collaboration with the Stanford Department of Computer Science. The IPLC has been designed to make IP litigation more transparent, covering all (1) patent infringement, (2) manifest copyright, (3) manifest trademark, (4) manifest antitrust, and (5) certain trade secret lawsuits filed in the U.S. District Court from January 1, 2000 to the present.

Since the IPLC officially launched in December 2008, it has executed the largest IP outcomes study in the history of the United States--for more than 25,000 patent infringement outcomes. It now offers the most comprehensive source of data available on more than 100,000 intellectual property cases. And as of October, 31, 2009 more than 5,000 IP experts and government end users have benefitted from the site as of, including the White House, Department of Commerce, U.S. District Courts, the Federal Circuit, IPLC advisor groups, more than 200 academicians, company and law firm supporters, non-profit lawyers, the National Academies, the National Science Foundation, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Because the IPLC has grown so vast—developing into what is likely to become the largest legal-empirical database in the United States—a separate venture has been spun out to broaden, expand upon, and advance the system.

As part of the charter of this venture, Lex Machina Inc. is powering and hosting the data for the public interest version of IPLC, which will remain free to academicians, public interest researchers, judges, policymakers, and the media. Go to the Stanford IP Litigation Clearinghouse »