With a generous gift from the John M. Olin Foundation, Stanford Law School initiated the John M. Olin Program in Law and Economics in 1987. The program supports faculty and student research, issues working papers, holds seminars and lunch discussions, and awards student fellowships in law and economics to matriculating Stanford students at the law school or in graduate programs at Stanford University.
The John M. Olin Program plays a very active role in the Law School—and more generally in the university—in promoting interest in the law and economics movement. Since the beginning of the Olin Program, 75 distinguished scholars from throughout the United States have come to Stanford to give presentations to the Law and Economics Seminar, 257 working papers have been distributed through the Olin Program Working paper series.
Closely connected to the John M. Olin Program is the Stanford Program in the Law and Economics of Intellectual Property and Antitrust, created in 2009 with a gift from the Microsoft Corporation to encourage research on antitrust and intellectual property policy. This new program is affiliated with Microsoft's Technology-Academics-Policy (TAP) website, which can be accessed by clicking on the following TAP icon: