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Office of Communications and Public Relations


The Office of Communications and Public Relations is the best source for up-to-date and accurate information about Stanford Law School. The team works with faculty, staff and students to inform a variety of important audiences about what is going on at the law school. Members of the communications and public relations team serve as media liaisons for the school; plan and execute communications to a variety of audiences; write, edit, and produce the school's alumni magazine, Stanford Lawyer; oversee content development for the school's website; coordinate and consult on a variety of publications and print materials; and more.


The school's "faculty by subject" page contains telephone numbers and e-mail addresses for SLS faculty with expertise in various areas of the law and the law school's news center has additional resources for journalists.

Reporters looking for comments about institutional matters are invited to call press liaison Judith Romero.

Students, faculty, alumni and staff who need assistance with publicizing events and initiatives with the media should contact Judith Romero


Questions about the Stanford Lawyer or the law school's style guidelines should be addressed to Sharon Driscoll or Linda Wilson.


Questions about the law school's website should be directed to Lisa Peacock.