Percentage of students placed in jobs within 9 months of graduation: 98%
Percentage of Stanford Law graduates who take jobs outside California at graduation: 58%
Locations where Stanford Law graduates can be found: 61 countries, 50 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Marshall Islands, and Washington, D.C.
Median starting salary for a Stanford Law graduate in the class of 2011: $160K
Stanford Law School has the most generous financial aid, the most generous loan forgiveness, and the lowest average debt burden among graduates from our peer law schools.
Number of consecutive years Stanford Law graduates have clerked on the U.S. Supreme Court: 39
Stanford Law alumni lead and serve the top U.S. law firms. Among the Am Law 100, American Lawyer's definitive ranking of America's largest firms, 87 have a partner who graduated from Stanford Law; 94 employ Stanford alumni as attorneys.
Stanford Law alumni serve or have served as general counsels of most of the major high-tech companies, including Microsoft, Google, Cisco, eBay, Yahoo!, Qualcomm, Oracle, and Genentech.
With a zeal for pioneering and a Stanford Law education, female graduates have set remarkable precedents, including:
first U.S. Secretary of Education (Shirley Hufstedler '49),
first female appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court (Sandra Day O'Connor '52),
first female chair of national firm (Mary Cranston '75).