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Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Big Law Firms...: A Discussion with Steven Harper, former Kirkland & Ellis partner and author of the Belly of the Beast Blog
October 1, 2012 12:45pm - 2:00pm
Anatomy of Injustice: A Murder Case Gone Wrong
October 2, 2012 12:45pm - 2:00pm
A Conversation with Pulitzer Prize–Winner Raymond Bonner
SLS Alumni at Seattle Mariners vs. Los Angeles Angels
October 2, 2012 5:45pm - 10:15pm
Alumni Weekend 2012
October 4, 2012 10:30am - October 7, 2012 5:00pm
Legal Tech Start-Up Showcase: Government, Citizenship & Privacy
October 4, 2012 12:45pm - 2:00pm
Debate: Affordable Healthcare Act - Taxing Power
October 4, 2012 12:45pm - 1:55pm
Africa, Medicine and Philanthropy with Afam Onyema, JD ’07
October 4, 2012 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Dean's Circle Dinner
October 4, 2012 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Marc Rotenberg on Opportunities at the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
October 5, 2012 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Rule-Maker as Rule-Breaker: The Illegal Enforcement of Insider Trading Prohibitions and Tax Norms in the PRC, and China's Administrative Law Crisis
October 9, 2012 12:45pm - 2:00pm
Phoenix: Town Hall Meeting & Reception with Dean Elizabeth Magill
October 10, 2012 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Four Years After the Onset of Financial Crisis – A View from the SEC
October 10, 2012 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Levin Center International Public Interest Lawyering Symposium
October 11, 2012 12:00pm - October 13, 2012 2:00pm
How are human rights standards impacting justice on the ground?
Levin Center Fall Public Service Awards Dinner
October 11, 2012 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Los Angeles: Alumni Cocktail Reception Featuring Remarks by Professor Michael Wara, JD '06: "The Upcoming Elections: How Will it Impact our Environmental Policy?"
October 17, 2012 6:00pm - 8:00pm
October 18, 2012 7:30am - 9:30am
New York City: The Presidential Election, the Courts, and the Rule of Law: A Discussion with Professor Michael McConnell
October 23, 2012 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Beijing: Alumni Reception with Stanford GSB Dean Garth Saloner
October 23, 2012 7:00pm - 9:00pm
San Francisco: Town Hall Meeting & Reception with Dean Elizabeth Magill
October 24, 2012 6:30pm - 8:30pm
CIS Speaker Series - Intermediary Liabiliy on the Internet
October 25, 2012 12:50pm - 2:00pm
San Diego: Art Museum Tour & Mixer
October 25, 2012 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Hong Kong: Alumni Reception with Stanford GSB Dean Garth Saloner
October 25, 2012 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Boston: Wine Tasting & Reception with Professor Hank Greely
October 25, 2012 7:00pm - 9:30pm
SLS Alumni at Portland Timbers
October 27, 2012 3:30pm - 5:30pm