
The HCI Group is grateful for the financial support of the National Science Foundation, Wallenberg Global Learning Foundation, Hasso Plattner Research Program, Sloan Foundation, and Intel.
Updates as the year goes along. Here are the program sheets for the HCI specialization of the CS bachelors and masters degrees, and SymSys. Notes: Often, project courses require students to apply. Factor that into your course planning. (e.g., don't create a degree plan that only works if you get into a limited-enrollment course. Make sure to have a backup plan.) Also, cs193 classes do not count towards degree requirements. The HCI curriculum places a strong emphasis on project-based learning -- to get quarterly announcements about project presentations, join the HCI friends list.
The free HCI Online class will launch as soon as we've dealt with copyright & accessibility. We're hoping April. Stay tuned.

related courses outside cs

The below courses are likely of interest to HCI students. Some may be included in some HCI degree programs. They are listed by department. For more information about a particular course, see the Stanford Course Bulletin. Also, check out:

  • The course offerings
  • The creativity couse guide
  • The symbolic systems course list
  • Art
    Mechanical Engineering (Design Division)
    Management Science and Engineering