Publications of Hadly Lab Members
Selected Publications:
- McMenamin SK and Hadly EA (2010) Developmental dynamics of Ambystoma tigrinum in a changing landscape. BMC Ecology 10(10). [pdf]
- Barnosky AD and Hadly EA (2010) Transforming conservation. Issues in Science and Technology 27(1) pp.17-18. [pdf]
- Adams RI and Hadly EA (2010) High levels of gene flow in the California vole (Microtus californicus) are consistent across spatial scales. Western North American Naturalist 70(3) pp.296-311. [pdf]
- Pinsky ML, Newsome SD, Dickerson BR, Fang Y, Van Tuinen M, Kennett DJ, Ream RR, Hadly EA. (2010) Dispersal provided resilience to range collapse in a marine mammal: insights from the past to inform conservation biology. Molecular Ecology 19(12):2418-2429. [pdf]
- Blois JL, McGuire JL, Hadly EA. (2010) Small mammal diversity loss in response to late-Pleistocene climatic change. Nature 465(7299):771-U5. [pdf]
- Feranec RS, Hadly EA, Paytan A. (2010) Isotopes reveal limited effects of middle Pleistocene climate change on the ecology of mid-sized mammals. Quaternary International 217(1-2):43-52. [pdf]
- O’Keefe K, Ramakrishnan U, van Tuinen M, Hadly EA. (2009) Source-sink dynamics structure a common montane mammal. Molecular Ecology 18(23):4775-4789. [pdf]
- Hadly EA, Spaeth PA, and Li C. (2009) Niche Conservatism Above the Species Level. PNAS 106:19707-19714. [pdf]
- Wake DB, Hadly EA, Ackerly DD. (2009) Biogeography, changing climates, and niche evolution. PNAS 106:19631-19636. [pdf]
- Hadly EA, and Barnosky AD. (2009) Vertebrate fossils and the future of conservation biology. In Conservation Paleobiology: Using the Past to Manage for the Future, Paleontological Society Short Course, October 17th, 2009, The Paleontological Society Papers, Volume 15, Gregory P. Dietl and Karl W. Flessa (eds.), pp. 39-59. [pdf]
- Rominger AJ, Miller TEX, Collins SL. (2009) Relative contributions of neutral and niche-based processes to the structure of a desert grassland grasshopper community. Oecologia 161:791-800. [pdf]
- Ramakrishnan U and Hadly EA. (2009) . Do complex population histories drive higher estimates of substitution rate in phylogenetic reconstruction? Molecular Ecology. [pdf]
- Ramakrishnan U and Hadly EA. (2009) Using phylochronology to reveal cryptic population histories: Review and synthesis of four ancient DNA studies. Invited review for Molecular Ecology. [pdf]
- Feranec RS, Hadly EA, Paytan A. (2009) Stable isotopes reveal seasonal competition for resources between late Pleistocene bison (Bison) and horse (Equus) from Rancho La Brea, southern California. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 271: 153-160. [pdf]
- Spaeth P and Hadly EA. (2009) Phylogeography of Microtus longicaudus in the tectonically and glacially dynamic central Rocky Mountains. Journal of Mammalogy 90(3): 571-584. [pdf]
- Blois JL and Hadly EA. (2009) Mammalian response to Cenozoic climatic change. Invited review for Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 37: 8.1-8.28. [pdf]
- McMenamin SK, Hadly EA, Wright CK. (2008). Climatic change and wetland desiccation cause amphibian decline in world’s oldest national park. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105: 16988–16993. [pdf]
- Riddle BR, Dawson MN, Hadly EA, Hafner DJ, Hickerson MJ, Mantooth SJ, Yoder AD. (2008) The role of molecular genetics in sculpting the future of integrative biogeography. Progress in Physical Geography 32: 173-202. [pdf]
- Van Tuinen M, O'Keefe K, Ramakrishnan U, Hadly EA (2008) Fire and ice: Genetic structure of the Uinta ground squirrel (Spermophilus armatus) across the Yellowstone hotspot. Molecular Ecology 17: 1776-1788. [pdf]
- Blois JL, Feranec RS, Hadly EA (2008) Environmental influences on spatial and temporal patterns of body-size variation in California ground squirrels. 2008. Journal of Biogeography 35:602-613 [pdf]
- Newsome SD, Etnier MA, Gifford-Gonzalez D, Phillips DL, van Tuinen M, Hadly EA, Costa DP, Kennett DJ, Guilderson TP, Koch PL (2007) The shifting baseline of northern fur seal ecology in the northeast Pacific Ocean. PNAS 104(23): 9709-9714. [pdf]
- Feranec RS, Hadly EA, Blois JL, Barnosky AD, and Paytan A (2007) Radiocarbon dates from the Pleistocene fossil deposits of Samwell Cave, Shasta County, California, USA. Radiocarbon 49(1): 117-121. [pdf]
- Feranec RS, Hadly EA, and Paytan A (2007) Determining landscape use of Holocene mammals using strontium isotopes. Oecologia 153:943-950. [pdf]
- Bruzgul JE and Hadly EA (2007) Non-random patterns in the Yellowstone ecosystem: inferences from mammalian body size, order and biogeographical affinity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 16(2): 139-148. [pdf]
- van Tuinen M, Stidham T, Hadly EA (2006) Tempo and mode of modern bird evolution observed with large-scale taxonomic sampling. Historical Biology: A Journal of Paleobiology 18: 205-221. [pdf]
- Chan YL, Anderson CNK, and Hadly EA (2006) Bayesian Estimation of the Timing and Severity of a Population Bottleneck from Ancient DNA. PLoS Genetics 2(4):e59. [pdf]
- Chan YL, Lacey EA, Pearson OP, and Hadly EA (2005) Ancient DNA reveals Holocene loss of genetic diversity in a South American rodent. Biology Letters 1(4):423-426. [pdf]
- Bruzgul JE, Long W, and Hadly EA (2005) A Temporal Record of the Tiger Salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) through 3,000 Years of Climatic Variation. BMC Ecology, 5:7. [pdf]
- McGill BJ, Hadly EA, and Maurer BA (2005) Community inertia of Quaternary small mammal assemblages in North America. PNAS 104(46):16701-16706. [pdf]
- Ramkrishnan U, Hadly EA and Mountain J (2005) Detecting past population bottlenecks using temporal genetic data. Molecular Ecology. 14:2915-2922. [pdf]
- Anderson CNK, Ramakrishnan U, Chan YL, Hadly EA (2005) Serial SimCoal: A population genetic model for data from multiple populations and points in time. Bioinformatics. Bioinformatics 21:1733-1734. [pdf or download software]
- van Tuinen M, Ramakrishnan U, and Hadly EA (2004) Studying the effect of environmental change on biotic evolution: past genetic contributions, current work and future directions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Physical Sciences 362:2795-2820. [pdf]
- van Tuinen M, and Hadly EA (2004) Error in estimation of rate and time inferred from the early amniote fossil record and avian molecular clocks. J. Molecular Evolution 59(2): 267-276. [pdf]
- Maurer BA, Brown JH, Dayan T, Enquist BJ, Ernest SKM, Hadly EA, Haskell JP, Jablonski D, Jones KE, Kaufman DM, Lyons SK, Niklas KJ, Porter WP, Roy K, Smith FA, Tiffney B, and Willig MR (2004) Similarities in body size distributions of small-bodied flying vertebrates. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 6:783-797. [pdf]
- Webb DS, Graham RW, Barnosky AD, Bell CJ, Franz R, Hadly EA, Lundelius Jr EL, McDonald HG, Martin RA, Semkin Jr HA, Steadman DW (2004) Vertebrate Paleontology. Developments in Quaternary Science 1:519-538. [pdf]
- Hadly EA, Ramakrishnan U, Chan YL, van Tuinen M, O�Keefe K, Spaeth P, Conroy CJ (2004) Genetic response to climatic change: Insights from ancient DNA and phylochronology. PLoS Biology 2(10):e290. [pdf]
- van Tuinen M, and Hadly EA (2004) Calibration and error in placental molecular clocks: a conservative approach using the Cetartiodactyl fossil record. J. Heredity 95:200-208. [pdf]
- Smith FA, Brown JH, Haskell JP, Lyons SK, Alroy J, Charnov EL, Dayan T, Enquist BJ, Ernest SKM, Hadly EA, Jones KE, Kaufman DM, Marquet PA, Maurer BA, Niklas KJ, Porter WP, Tiffney B, and Willig MR (2004) Similarity of Mammalian Body Size across the Taxonomic Hierarchy and across Space and Time. American Naturalist 163(5):672-691. [pdf]
- Hadly EA (2003) The Interface of Paleontology and Mammalogy: Past, Present, and Future. Journal of Mammalogy 84(2):347-353. [pdf]
- Hadly EA, Tuinen M, Chan Y, Heiman K (2003) Ancient DNA evidence of prolonged population persistence with negligible genetic diversity in an endemic tuco-tuco (Ctenomys sociabilis). Journal of Mammalogy 84(2):403-417. [pdf]
- Porder S, Paytan A, Hadly EA (2003) Mapping the origin of faunal assemblages using strontium isotopes. Paleobiology 29(2):197-204. [pdf]
- Barnosky AD, Hadly EA, Bell CJ (2003) Mammalian response to global warming on varied temporal scales. Journal of Mammalogy 84(2):354-368. [pdf]
- Ernest SK, Enquist BJ, Brown JH, Charnov EL, Gilooly JF, Savage VM, White EP, Smith FA, Hadly EA, Haskell JP, Lyons SK, Maurer BA, Niklas KJ, Tiffney B (2003) Thermodynamic and metabolic effects on the scaling of production and population energy use. Ecology Letters 6: 990-995. [pdf]
- Barnosky AD, Hadly EA, Maurer BA, Christie MI (2001) Temperate Terrestial Vertebrate Faunas in North and South America: Interplay of Ecology, Evolution, and Geography with Biodiversity. Conservation Biology 15:658-674. [pdf]
- Hadly EA and Maurer BA (2001) Spatial and temporal patterns of species diversity in montane mammal communities of western North America. Evolutionary Ecology Research 3:477-486. [pdf]
- Hadly EA (1999) Fidelity of terrestrial vertebrate fossils to a modern ecosystem. Paleogeography, Paleoclimetology, Paleoecology 149:389-409. [pdf]
- Hadly EA, Kohn MH, Leonard JA, and Wayne RK (1998) A genetic record of population isolation in pocket gophers during Holocene climatic change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95:6893-6896. [pdf]
- Hadly EA (1997) Evolutionary and ecological response of pocket gophers (Thomomys talpoides) to late-Holocene climate change. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 60:227-296. [pdf]
- Hadly EA (1996) Influence of Late Holocene Climate on Northern Rocky Mountain Mammals. Quaternary Research 46:298-310. [pdf]
- Barnosky E Hadly. (1994) Ecosystem dynamics through the past 2000 years as revealed by fossil mammals from Lamar Cave in Yellowstone National Park, USA. Historical Biology 8: 71-90.
- Anderson RS, Smith S, Rothstein D, Murray L, Hadly EA, Force C, Diveley-White S. (1989) The mid- and late-Wisconsin pollen stratigraphy of Potato Lake, Coconino County, Arizona. Current Research in the Pleistocene 6: 51-54.