About the Hadly Lab

The members of the Hadly lab are involved in a wide variety of research projects, but they all share a common interest: What determines and maintains vertebrate diversity through space and time? How is that diversity influenced by the environment? Temporal variation spans hundreds to millions of years. Elevational, latitudinal, thermal and other environmental gradients are of particular interest, scaling from local to global.�Our lab includes work in North America, Patagonia, India, and SE Asia. We use phylochronology (population genetics through space and time), phylogeography, population genetics, morphology, field monitoring of life history traits, behavior, isotopes, GIS and remote sensing data.� We are particularly keen to ascertain ecological and evolutionary responses of vertebrates (from amphibians to mammals) to environments of the Holocene (the past 10,000 years).

Hadly Lab, Department of Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5020
ph. 650.725.2655 | fax: 650.723.0589 | e-mail: [email protected]