The Hadly Lab
The Hadly Lab studies the ecology and evolution of vertebrates from both fossil and modern assemblages. Investigations focus on the response of animals to climatic change using genetic, morphological, community, and geochemical analyses.
Barnosky, A.D., Hadly, E.A., Bascompte, J., Berlow, E.L., Brown, J.H., Fortelius, M., Getz, W.M., Harte, J., Hastings, A., Marquet, P.A., Martinez, N.D., Mooers, A., Roopnarine, P., Vermeij, G., Williams, J.W., Gillespie, R.G., Kitzes, J., Marshall, C., Matzke, N., Mindell, D.P., Revilla, E., Smith, A.B. 2012. Approaching a state-shift in Earth's biosphere. Nature 486, 52-58 [pdf] Art by Cheng (Lily) Li
- Liz describes a shocking incident that occured on her trip to Nepal in a recent New York Times article: "Dispatches from Rio and Nepal: Knife Fights Over Firewood"
- Our blog! and Quarterly lab news
- Aldo Leopold Leadership Program at Stanford and its graduate student portal
- Extinctions in Near Time podcasts
- Thank you for your support of our Species in Peril projects
- Information for prospective students
- In-house project: Serial SimCoal