The Clayman Institute for Gender Research

  • Mathematics has a girl problem. Although girls achieve at equal levels to boys in middle and high school, many girls stop taking math as soon as they can. Girls are also much less likely than boys to enter math-intensive college majors and, later,...
  • Leslie Hill and Helen Paris are Associate Professors of Drama and Artistic Directors of the London-based performance company, Curious. Formed in 1996 Curious has developed a reputation for its edgy, humorous interrogations of contemporary culture...
  • In the Middle Ages, religious texts dismissed women as an afterthought of creation, inferior creatures of disobedience and sin. Recent research by medieval historian, Professor Dyan Elliott, however, uncovers women of religious renown in the role...
  • The film, “Miss Representation”, presents a compelling argument to change the way women and girls are portrayed in media, moving beyond the limited lens used in most films, ads, and print. The Miss Representation Essay Contest gives Stanford...
  • Poet and memoirist Judith Barrington captivated an overflow crowd at her February reading at the Clayman Institute, as she wove her life experiences into an intricate tapestry. Her strong, clear voice gave her prose a wise, seasoned texture, and...


Founded in 1974, the Clayman Institute for Gender Research at Stanford University creates knowledge and seeks to implement change to promote gender equality. Our current focus is Moving Beyond the Stalled Gender Revolution. We are bringing together an intellectually diverse group of scholars to provide new insights into the barriers to women's advancement and to propose novel and workable solutions to advancing gender equality

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  • 05 April, 2012
    In the Middle Ages, religious texts dismissed women as an afterthought of creation, inferior creatures of disobedience and sin. Recent research by...