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Information for Faculty


We offer Stanford Faculty Research Fellowships to Members of the Academic Council and Members of the Medical Center Line in the Stanford faculty, who are also Faculty Affiliates of the Clayman Institute. Up to twelve awards are available each academic year. We welcome fellowship applications from scholars in all disciplines, including the humanities, social sciences, science and engineering, business, law, and medicine. Further information may be found here.

Voice and Influence Program

The Clayman Institute is launching a year-long program aimed at arming leading women at Stanford with the skills, training, research, access, and close-knit support to dramatically increase their influence at Stanford, within their disciplines and in public debate. More information here.

Become a Faculty Affiliate

Stanford professors holding academic council appointments, and Medical Line Center faculty, are eligible to become Clayman Institute faculty affiliates. As an affiliate, you will have access to fellowship and grant opportunities, have your work mentioned on our website, and receive notices of Institute news and events, plus funding or research opportunities offered by other universities. To become a faculty affiliate, please subscribe to our low traffic listserv. Send a message to [email protected]. Leave the subject line and body of the message blank.