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Clayman Inst Events

  • Date & Time
    Tuesday, February 7, 2012 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm

    Stanford Faculty and Staff are invited to join author Judith Barrington for this memoir writing workshop. Enrollment is limited to 12 attendees, and RSVPs are required. The workshop will address the unique character of memoir along with some of the particular challenges a writer faces when writing about his or her life.

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    Serra House
    589 Capistrano Way
    Stanford, CA 94305
  • Saving San Francisco book cover
    Date & Time
    Thursday, February 23, 2012 - 4:15pm to 5:45pm

    In her new book, Saving San Francisco: Relief and Recovery after the 1906 Disaster, Stanford historian Andrea Rees Davies illuminates the paradox of working-class women’s activism in 1906 San Francisco. Davies uses the story of activist Mary Kelly -- and other refugee women -- to examine the role women played in organizing disaster relief.

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    The Clayman Institute
    589 Capistrano Way
    Stanford, CA
  • Date & Time
    Friday, February 24, 2012 - 7:00pm

    "American youth are being sold the concept that women and girls’ value lies in their youth, beauty and sexuality. It’s time to break that cycle of mistruths. believes that all people should be equally represented in our media, that our voices should be heard and that we should all be valued for our talents, capacity as leaders, and ability to contribute to the world at large."

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  • Virginia Christian, first woman executed by Commonwealth of Virginia
    Date & Time
    Thursday, March 8, 2012 - 4:15pm to 5:45pm

    Women are the fastest growing population in the US prison system, outstripping men in all 50 states.

    When asked to describe mothers who are in prison, many would characterize them as hysterical and psychotic, or neglectful and heartless. In essence, they face harsher standards– laboring under the burden of lives filled with violence, drug abuse, and poverty while at the same time, being measured against – and failing- the standard of the ideal mother.

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    Bechtel International
    584 Capistrano Way Conference Room
    Stanford, CA
  • Ms 40 Covers
    Date & Time
    Tuesday, January 10, 2012 (All day) to Friday, March 23, 2012 (All day)

    Stanford faculty and editors of Ms. magazine selected 40 iconic Ms. magazine covers representing feminist issues, imagery and writing over the past forty years. These covers were the inspiration for a nationwide Iconic Cover Short-Essay contest. Ten winners were chosen based on their originality, vision, awareness of feminist values, and quality of expression.

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    Serra House
    589 Capistrano Way, and Green Library at 295 Galvez Street
    Stanford, CA 94305