The Effect of a Teacher Salary Increase in San Francisco's Public Schools
Findings from Stanford's Study of the Quality Teacher and Education Act
3:30pm - 5:00pm
This presentation highlights research supported by the Stanford University and San Francisco Unified School District Partnership.
Featured speakers include:
Claude Steele
Dean of Stanford University's Graduate School of Education
Susanna Loeb
Barnett Family Professor of Education at Stanford
Heather Hough
Policy Fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California
Stanford's Center for Education Policy Analysis (CEPA) will present findings from a three year study of the implementation and effect of San Francisco's Quality Teacher and Education Act (QTEA), which made changes to teacher compensation, support, and accountability. The presentation will focus on the effect of QTEA's teacher salary increase on teacher recruitment and retention in San Francisco's Public Schools. This study exemplifies the research supported by the partnership between Stanford University and San Francisco Unified School District and highlights the benefits of researchers closely collaborating with practitioners to produce rigorous and relevant research that informs policy and practice.
Refreshments will be served