Master's Programs
The Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP)
STEP offers both an elementary and secondary route. Both programs lead to teacher certification in the state of California, and both require intensive, supervised practice at school sites, as well as academic course work that focuses on cutting-edge, school-based research.
Policy, Organization, and Leadership Studies (POLS)
POLS focuses on the skills and knowledge necessary for effective leadership in a variety of educational environments. Students specialize in Pre-K-12 education, Higher Education, or an Individually Designed Concentration.
International Comparative Education (ICE)
ICE addresses educational practice in a rapidly changing global context and in both less developed and industrialized countries, including the United States. Students examine such problems as the political economy of underdevelopment and educational planning in comparative perspective. The major research project requirement provides students the opportunity to develop excellent research skills.
International Educational Administration and Policy Analysis (IEAPA)
IEAPA combines study in International and Comparative Education (ICE) with academic work in educational administration and policy analysis in international and comparative contexts. A major research project on a topic of their choosing is required of all students.
Learning, Design and Technology (LDT)
LDT integrates powerful contemporary ideas about learning with emergent technologies, to design and evaluate learning environments, products, and programs. LDT graduates bring their skills to bear in a variety of settings, including schools, museums, research institutions, and educational technology companies.
Curriculum and Teacher Education (CTE)
CTE is an individualized, research-intensive program intended for students with prior professional experience and education. A very small number of students are accepted to this program every year.
Joint MA in Education/MBA
MA/MBA enables students to apply their general management skills to the field of education. Students simultaneously complete both degrees in two years, concentrating their MA on PreK-12 Education or Higher Education.
Joint MA/JD in Law and Education
MA/JD combines study for the JD degree in law with an individualized program in education.
The Individually designed MA in Education
The individually designed MA in Education is designed for Stanford doctoral students enrolled outside of the Graduate School of Education. Individuals who are not enrolled at the doctoral level at Stanford cannot be considered for this program.