Apr 28, 2009 :: Professor Matthew Jackson elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
The Department congratulates Matthew Jackson, the William D. Eberle Professor in Economics, as a newly elected fellow to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Matt's research focuses on the dynamics and quantitative studies of human behavior, as well as social and economic networks, game theory and war and conflict.
Jun 13, 2011 :: Congratulations to all who graduated with a degree in Economics on Sunday, June 12, 2011!
The Economics Department conferred 19 students with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Economics, 17 Master of Arts degrees and 120 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts and Science degrees. We want to mention the undergraduate students who won awards for their honors theses. The two University Firestone Medal awardees were Valentin Bolotnyy and Stephanie Lee. The Anna Laura Meyers awardees were Matthew Cook, Gregory Hirshman and Nikhil Joshi. The John G. Sobieski Award for Creative Thinking in Economics went to Alissa Bonneau and Christine Kang. Michelle Gumport and Elizabeth Xiao were awarded the University’s Award for Excellence in Honors Thesis Presentation.
Pete Klenow, the Landau Professor in Economic Policy, gave the Economics Department commencement speech, which encouraged the students to take full advantage of their education and to remember that the quality of life is as important as income.
Feb 15, 2011 :: Professors Amador and Jayachandran awarded the 2011 Sloan Research Fellowship.
Assistant Professors Manuel Amador and Seema Jayachandran are two of six Stanford scholars awarded the 2011 two-year Sloan Research Fellowship. The Sloan Research Fellowships support the work of exceptional young researchers early in their academic careers. Manuel Amador’s research focuses on the intersection of macroeconomic theory and political economy; and Seema Jayachandran’s research focuses on development economics. The Economics Department congratulates Manuel and Seema on this prestigious fellowship.
Sep 30, 2010 :: Professor Michael Boskin was the keynote speaker at the 21st Century Forum of the Chinese Congress.
Michael Boskin, Tully M. Friedman Professor of Economics, was the keynote speaker at the bi-decadal 21st CenturyForum of the Chinese Congress. It was held in Beijing, China on September 6-7, 2010. The Forum is held every five years to discuss issues confronting China's future. Dr. Boskin spoke on China's economic development, with the theme "Preparing for Slower Growth".
Jun 09, 2010 :: Luke Stein is awarded the 2010 Gerald J. Lieberman Fellowship.
Luke Stein, an Economics graduate student, is a recipient of the Lieberman Fellowship. This fellowship is awarded to advanced doctoral students who intend to pursue careers in university teaching and research and have demonstrated potential for leadership roles within the academic community.
The Department of Economics congratulates Luke on his achievement!
Feb 25, 2009 :: Sloan Research Fellowship awarded to Michele Tertilt.
Assistant Professor Michele Tertilt is one of three Stanford scholars awarded a two-year Sloan Research Fellowship. The Sloan Research Fellowships support the work of exceptional young researchers early in their academic careers. Michele's research focuses on family economics, consumer credit, growth and development, and demography. The Economics department congratulates Michele on the prestigious fellowship.
Aug 15, 2011 :: Congratulations to recent graduates Matthew Cook and Gregory Hirshman!
Recent graduates Matthew Cook and Gregory Hirshman are 2 of four finalists at the annual Best Undergraduate Paper Competition. Matthew Cook submitted his honors thesis entitled: "Voting With Bidirectional Elimination" and Gregory Hirshman's honors thesis title was: " Raising Taxes to Balance the Budget: How Effects on Output and Labor Supply complicate the Issue". The final selection of the best paper will take place on Saturday, October 22nd, at the annual IAES conference in Washington, D.C.