Nov 02, 2012 :: Professor Frank Wolak writes about the goals of cap and trade programs
Cap and trade should look to broader goals:
Nov 01, 2012 :: Paul Milgrom elected Vice-President of the American Economic Association.
Congratulations to Paul Milgrom for being elected to one of two Vice-President positions at the AEA. He will take office in 2013. At the same session Jonathan Levin was elected to the Executive Committee of the AEA.
Oct 26, 2012 :: Professor Luigi Pistaferri tracks consumption and income inequality
Oct 15, 2012 :: Professor Alvin Roth wins the Nobel Prize in Economics
Sep 20, 2012 :: Professor Frank Wolak comments on the possible effects of California’s renewable energy strategy
Taxpayers, ratepayers will fund California solar plants:,0,7995250.story
Sep 16, 2012 :: Professors John Talyor and Michael Boskin catalog the challenges facing our economy
The Magnitude of the Mess We're In:
Dec 17, 2009 :: Professor B. Douglas Bernheim to give keynote addresses.
B. Douglas Bernheim will deliver keynote addresses at two international conferences held during the summer of 2010. The conferences include MBEES III (the Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium) held in the Netherlands on June 11, 2010, and the CESifo Venice Summer Institute conference on "Behavioural Welfare Economics" held in Italy on July 21-22, 2010.
Professor B. Douglas Bernheim wins Economic Inquiry Best Article Award Professors B. Douglas Bernheim, Patrick Bayer (Duke University), and Karl Scholz (University of Wisconsin) have won Economic Inquiry's 2009 Best Article Award for "The Effects of Financial Education in the Workplace: Evidence from a Survey of Employers," which appeared in the October 2009 issue. The study's central finding is that both participation in and contributions to voluntary savings plans are significantly higher when employers offer retirement seminars. Professor Bayer and Professor Scholz are both former Stanford graduate students.