Bird, Rebecca Bliege |
Associate Professor |
Behavioral ecology, landscape ecology, subsistence decisions, public goods, anthropogenic fire, gender, prestige, Australia/Oceania. |
Curran, Lisa |
Professor |
Political ecology of land use; governmental policies/transnational firms; natural resource sector (e.g., logging, agribusiness and mining); ecological dynamics; land rights/rural livelihoods; NGOs/protected areas/donor agencies; REDD carbon payments; corruption; Asia/Latin America. |
Durham, William H. |
Professor |
Biological anthropology, ecological and evolutionary anthropology, cultural evolution, conservation and community development, resource management, environmental issues; Central and South America. |
Ebron, Paulla A. |
Associate Professor |
Comparative cultural studies, nationalism, gender, discourses of identity; Africa, African-America. |
Ferguson, James |
Chair and Professor |
Political anthropology, social and cultural theory, southern Africa |
Fox, James A. |
Associate Professor |
Linguistic anthropology, historical linguistics, biology and evolution of language, archaeological decipherment, settlement of the New World, mythology, computational methods; Mesoamerica, Americas. |
Fullwiley, Duana |
Associate Professor |
The Anthropology of science; Medical anthropology; Genetics and identity; Economic anthropology; Global health politics; Africanist anthropology; Race; Health disparities; Environmental resource scarcity as a source of ethnic conflict, Senegal, West Africa, France, and the United States. |
Garcia, Angela |
Assistant Professor |
Medical and psychological anthropology; violence, suffering and care; addiction, morality and science; subjectivity; ethnographic writing; Unites States, Mexico. |
Hansen, Thomas Blom |
Professor |
Broad interests spanning South Asia and Southern Africa, several cities and multiple theoretical and disciplinary interests from political theory and continental philosophy to psychoanalysis, comparative religion and contemporary urbanism |
Hodder, Ian |
Professor |
Archaeological theory, the archaeology and cultural heritage of Europe and the Middle East, excavations in Turkey, material culture. |
Inoue, Miyako |
Associate Professor |
linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics, semiotics, linguistic modernity, anthropology of writing, inscription devices, materialities of language, social organizations of documents (filing systems, index cards, copies, archives, paperwork), voice/sound/noise, soundscape, technologies of liberalism, gender, urban studies, Japan, East Asia. |
Jain, S. Lochlann |
Associate Professor |
Science/technology studies, critical legal theory, development theory, feminist theory. |
Jones, James Holland |
Associate Professor |
Human ecology, demography and life history theory, biodemography, ecology and epidemiology of infectious disease, social networks, statistical methods, computer simulation, conservation biology; Africa, Asia, Americas. |
Klein, Richard G. |
Professor |
Paleoanthropology; Africa, Europe. |
Kohrman, Matthew |
Associate Professor |
Medical anthropology, governmentality, illness experience, gender, China. |
Luhrmann, Tanya Marie |
Professor |
The social construction of psychological experience, social practice and the way people experience their world, the domain of what some would term the "irrational" |
Malkki, Liisa |
Associate Professor |
Historical anthropology; historical consciousness and memory; mass displacement and exile; racial essentialism and mass violence; nationalism and internationalism; the ethics and politics of humanitarianism; religion and contemporary missions in Africa; religion and globalization; social uses of the category, art, and the politics of visuality. |
Meskell, Lynn |
Professor |
archaeological theory, ethnography, South Africa, Egypt, Mediterranean, Middle East, heritage, identity, politics, embodiment, postcolonial and feminist theory, ethics, tourism |
Rick, John W. |
Associate Professor |
Prehistoric archaeology and anthropology of band-level hunter-gatherers, stone tool studies, analytical methodology, animal domestication; Latin America, Southwestern U.S. |
Robertson, Ian G. |
Assistant Professor |
Archaeology of complex and urban societies; statistical and formal methods; ceramic and lithic analysis; Mesoamerica |
Seetah, Krish |
Assistant Professor |
Zooarchaeology, human-animal relationships, colonialsm, Indian Ocean World |
Tambar, Kabir |
Assistant Professor |
Religion and secularism, pluralism and nationalism, the politics of affect, Islam, Middle East, Turkey |
Voss, Barbara |
Associate Professor |
historical archaeology, archaeology of colonialism, culture contact, Spanish-colonial archaeology, overseas Chinese archaeology, postcolonial theory, gender and sexuality studies, queer theory, cultural resource management, public archaeology, community-based research, California archaeology |
Wilcox, Mike V. |
Associate Professor (Teaching) |
postcolonial approaches to archaeology; ethnic identity and conflict; political and historical relationships between Native Americans and anthropologists and archaeologists. |
Yanagisako, Sylvia |
Professor |
Anthropology of capitalism, transnationalism, social and cultural theory, feminist theory. U.S., Italy. |