
Name Title Research Interests
Bird, Rebecca Bliege Associate Professor Behavioral ecology, landscape ecology, subsistence decisions, public goods, anthropogenic fire, gender, prestige, Australia/Oceania.
Curran, Lisa Professor Political ecology of land use; governmental policies/transnational firms; natural resource sector (e.g., logging, agribusiness and mining); ecological dynamics; land rights/rural livelihoods; NGOs/protected areas/donor agencies; REDD carbon payments; corruption; Asia/Latin America.
Durham, William H. Professor Biological anthropology, ecological and evolutionary anthropology, cultural evolution, conservation and community development, resource management, environmental issues; Central and South America.
Ebron, Paulla A. Associate Professor Comparative cultural studies, nationalism, gender, discourses of identity; Africa, African-America.
Ferguson, James Chair and Professor Political anthropology, social and cultural theory, southern Africa
Fox, James A. Associate Professor Linguistic anthropology, historical linguistics, biology and evolution of language, archaeological decipherment, settlement of the New World, mythology, computational methods; Mesoamerica, Americas.
Fullwiley, Duana Associate Professor The Anthropology of science; Medical anthropology; Genetics and identity; Economic anthropology; Global health politics; Africanist anthropology; Race; Health disparities; Environmental resource scarcity as a source of ethnic conflict, Senegal, West Africa, France, and the United States.
Garcia, Angela Assistant Professor Medical and psychological anthropology; violence, suffering and care; addiction, morality and science; subjectivity; ethnographic writing; Unites States, Mexico.
Hansen, Thomas Blom Professor Broad interests spanning South Asia and Southern Africa, several cities and multiple theoretical and disciplinary interests from political theory and continental philosophy to psychoanalysis, comparative religion and contemporary urbanism
Hodder, Ian Professor Archaeological theory, the archaeology and cultural heritage of Europe and the Middle East, excavations in Turkey, material culture.
Inoue, Miyako Associate Professor linguistic anthropology, sociolinguistics, semiotics, linguistic modernity, anthropology of writing, inscription devices, materialities of language, social organizations of documents (filing systems, index cards, copies, archives, paperwork), voice/sound/noise, soundscape, technologies of liberalism, gender, urban studies, Japan, East Asia.
Jain, S. Lochlann Associate Professor Science/technology studies, critical legal theory, development theory, feminist theory.
Jones, James Holland Associate Professor Human ecology, demography and life history theory, biodemography, ecology and epidemiology of infectious disease, social networks, statistical methods, computer simulation, conservation biology; Africa, Asia, Americas.
Klein, Richard G. Professor Paleoanthropology; Africa, Europe.
Kohrman, Matthew Associate Professor Medical anthropology, governmentality, illness experience, gender, China.
Luhrmann, Tanya Marie Professor The social construction of psychological experience, social practice and the way people experience their world, the domain of what some would term the "irrational"
Malkki, Liisa Associate Professor Historical anthropology; historical consciousness and memory; mass displacement and exile; racial essentialism and mass violence; nationalism and internationalism; the ethics and politics of humanitarianism; religion and contemporary missions in Africa; religion and globalization; social uses of the category, art, and the politics of visuality.
Meskell, Lynn Professor archaeological theory, ethnography, South Africa, Egypt, Mediterranean, Middle East, heritage, identity, politics, embodiment, postcolonial and feminist theory, ethics, tourism
Rick, John W. Associate Professor Prehistoric archaeology and anthropology of band-level hunter-gatherers, stone tool studies, analytical methodology, animal domestication; Latin America, Southwestern U.S.
Robertson, Ian G. Assistant Professor Archaeology of complex and urban societies; statistical and formal methods; ceramic and lithic analysis; Mesoamerica
Seetah, Krish Assistant Professor Zooarchaeology, human-animal relationships, colonialsm, Indian Ocean World
Tambar, Kabir Assistant Professor Religion and secularism, pluralism and nationalism, the politics of affect, Islam, Middle East, Turkey
Voss, Barbara Associate Professor historical archaeology, archaeology of colonialism, culture contact, Spanish-colonial archaeology, overseas Chinese archaeology, postcolonial theory, gender and sexuality studies, queer theory, cultural resource management, public archaeology, community-based research, California archaeology
Wilcox, Mike V. Associate Professor (Teaching) postcolonial approaches to archaeology; ethnic identity and conflict; political and historical relationships between Native Americans and anthropologists and archaeologists.
Yanagisako, Sylvia Professor Anthropology of capitalism, transnationalism, social and cultural theory, feminist theory. U.S., Italy.