AAAS Major and Minor Requirements

The AAAS Major

AAAS encourages a rigorous and creative, interdisciplinary program of study. Students work with a faculty advisor, the AAAS Associate Director, and the AAAS Director in developing a course of study and in developing a coherent emphasis within their major that reflects their scholarly interests in the field. All courses for the major must be taken for a letter grade. Refer to completing the major document to understand the writing requirement.

60 Units Total

1. (10 units): (5 units) AFRICAAM 105 Introduction to AAAS (WIM)


                                    AFRICAAM 143 Introduction to African American Literature (WIM


                      (5 units) AFRICAAM 152 W.E.B. Du Bois as Writer and Philosopher


                                    AFRICAAM 172G  Great Works of the African American Literary Tradition  


2. (5 units) course in African Studies

3. (10 units) AAAS Core Classes

4. (30 units) AAAS Core & Cognate Classes

5. (5 units) AFRICAAM 200X  Senior Seminar


The AAAS Minor

Similar to the requirements for the major, students develop a coherent theme for their course selection. They complete a minimum of 30 units form the list of AAAS courses. All courses for the minor must be taken for a letter grade.

30 units total

1) (5 units)  AFRICAAM 105 or AFRICAAM 143

2) (5 units) one course social sciences course from AAAS approved core course

3) (5 units) one course humanities course from AAAS approved core course

4) (15 units) any unit combination of courses from the AAAS approved core or cognate courses