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    Autumn 2010 COURSES  AFRICAAM 43: Introduction to African American Literature (AMSTUD 143, ENGLISH 43, ENGLISH 143); Rasberry, G.

 AFRICAAM 47: History of South Africa (AFRICAAM 147, HISTORY 47, HISTORY 147); Campbell, J.

 AFRICAAM 75: Black Cinema; Barker-Alexander, J.

 AFRICAAM 107C: The Black Mediterranean: Greece, Roman, and Antiquity (CLASSGEN 107, CSRE 107); Parker, G.

 AFRICAAM 152G: Global Harlem Renaissance (AMSTUD 152G, ENGLISH 152G); Elam, M.

 AFRICAAM 169A: Cultural Traffic: Race, Performance, and Globalization (AMSTUD 169, CSRE 169A, DRAMA 169A, DRAMA 303A)

 AFRICAAM 200X: Honors Thesis and Senior Seminar; Brown, C.

 AFRICAAM 204F: The Modern Tradition of Non-Violent Resistance (CSRE 104F, HISTORY 204F); Carson, C.

 AFRICAST 151B: Plagues and Politics: Critical Links Between Politics, Economics, and Infectious Diseases in Africa 

 AFRICAST 300: Contemporary Issues in African Studies, Hubbard, L.; Samoff, J.

 AFRICAST 301: The Dynamics of Change in Africa (HISTORY 346); Roberts, R.

 AMSTUD 101: Fiction into Film: How Hollywood Scripts and Projects Black and White Relations; Mesa, C.

 IHUM Beyond Survival; Elam; H.; Elam, M.

 AMELANG 106A: Beginning Swahili, First Quarter; Rutechura, M.

 AMELANG 106B: Beginning Swahili, Second Quarter; Rutechura, M.

 AMELANG 107A: Intermediate Swahili, First Quarter; Rutechura, M.

 AMELANG 108A: Advanced Swahili, First Quarter; Mapunda, C.

 CSRE 198: Internship for Public Service; Mitchell, S.

 CSRE 132: Friends, Enemies, and Lovers: Interracial Encounters in American Cultures: Kim, J.

 CSRE 135H: House Seminar: Race and Ethnicity at Stanford (ANTHRO 135H); Wilcox, M.

 CSRE 201B: From Racial Justice to Multiculturalism: Movement-Based Arts Organizing in the Post Civil Rights Era (CHICANST 201B); Hernandez, G.

 CSRE 216X: Education, Race, and Inequality in African American History 1880-1990 (EDUC 216X, HISTORY 255E); Gordon, L.

 CSRE 226: Race and Racism in American Politics (POLISCI 226, POLISCI 326); Segura, G.


   WINTER 2011  AFRICAAM 48Q: South Africa: Contested Transitions (HISTORY 48Q); Samoff, J.

 AFRICAAM 50B: 19th Century America (HISTORY 50B).

 AFRICAAM 105: Introduction to African and African American Studies; Brown, C.

 AFRICAAM 110: “The Environment” In Context: Race, Ethnicity, and Environmental Conceptions; Bonam,C. 

 AFRICAAM 145A: Poetics and Politics of Caribbean Women’s Literature (CSRE 145A); Duffey, C.

 AFRICAAM 150B: 19th Century America (AMSTUD 150B, HISTORY 150B)

 AFRICAAM 166: Introduction to African American History: The Modern Freedom Struggle (AMSTUD 166, HISTORY 166); Carson, C.

 AFRICAAM 245: Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development (EDUC 245); Laframboise, T.

  AFRICAAM 261E: Mixed Race Literature in the U.S. and in South Africa (AMSTUD 261E, ENGLISH 261E); Elam, M.; Parker, G.

 AFRICAAM 262D : African American Poetics (AMSTUD 262D, ENGLISH 262D); Elam, M.

 AFRICAST 112: AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa (AFRICAST 212); Samoff, J.

 MUSIC 147: The Soul Tradition in African American Music; Kronengold

 ENGLISH 187J: Lady Sings the Blues: Blues, Literature, and Black Feminism; Heard, D.

 AMELANG 106B: Beginning Swahili, Second Quarter; Rutechura, M.

 AMELANG 107B: Intermediate Swahili, Second Quarter; Rutechura, M.

 AMELANG 108B: Advanced Swahili, Second Quarter; Rutechura, M.

 CRSE 196C: Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (ENGLISH 172D, PSYCH 155, SOC 146); Marcus, H.; Moya, P.

 CSRE 135I: House Seminar: Race and Ethnicity at Stanford (ANTHRO 135I); Wilcox, M.



 AFRICAAM 16N: African Americans and Social Movements (SOC 16N); Fields, C. AFRICAAM 64C: From Freedom to Freedom Now!: African American History, 1865-1965 (HISTORY 64C); Hobbs, A.

 AFRICAAM 75B: Black Sitcoms; Barker-Alexander, J. AFRICAAM 121X: Hip Hop, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language (AMSTUD 121X, ANTRHO 121A, CSRE 121X, EDUC 121X, LINGIST 155); Alim, H. AFRICAAM 146: New Possibilities for Writing and Art AFRICAAM 173S: Transcultural and Multiethnic Lives: Contexts, Controversies, and Challenges (ASNAMST 173S, CSRE 173S); Murphy-Shigematsu, S. AFRICAAM 233A: Counseling Theories and Interventions from a Multiracial Perspective (EDUC 233A); Lafromboise, T. AFRICAST111: EDUCATION for ALL? The Global and Local Public Policy Making in Africa (AFRICAST 211); Samoff, J. AFRICAST 200: The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Tanzania: A Pre-Field Seminar; Katzenstein, D. HISTORY 45B: Africa in the Twentieth Century; Thornberry, E. HISTORY 45S: Colonial Anthropologist and the Production of Knowledge About Africa: Inadvertent Imperialists; Pettigrew, E. AMELANG 106A: Beginning Swahili, First Quarter; Rutechura, M. AMELANG 106C: Beginning Swahili, Third Quarter; Rutechura, M. AMELANG 107C: Intermediate Swahili, Third Quarter; Rutechura, M. AMELANG 108C: Advanced Swahili, Third Quarter; Makanda, S.  CSRE 126: The Psychology of Race and Gender in Popular Culture; Mitchell, S. CSRE 179G: Indigenous Identity in Diaspora: People of Color Art Practice in North America (CSRE 279G, DRAMA 179G, DRAMA 279G) CSRE 203A: The Changing Face of America: Civil Rights and Education Strategies for the 21st Century; Lyhcott-Haims, J.; Steyer, J.

       See Also  2009-2010 Courses 

All Courses Race & Faith Lecture Series 


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