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The 18th Annual Stanford Directors' College

June 24 -26, 2012

Click on the “Register Now” button to register for Directors’ College 2013.

DIRECTORS’ COLLEGE is the nation’s premier executive education program for directors and senior executives of publicly traded firms. The program addresses a broad range of problems that confront modern boards, including the board’s role in setting business strategy, CEO succession, techniques for controlling legal liability, challenges posed by activist investors, boardroom dynamics, and contemporary challenges including the state of the macroeconomy and emerging cyber security threats.

Now in its eighteenth year, Directors’ College brings together leading CEO’s, directors, regulators, jurists, and scholars for a rigorous and balanced examination of corporate governance, strategy, and compliance.

Program Directors:

LED BY Professor Joseph A. Grundfest ’78, Professor F. Daniel Siciliano, and Vice Chairman and Chief Legal Officer of Millennium Management, Simon M. Lorne, Directors’ College, now in its eighteenth year, helps develop pragmatic best-practice advice on a range of critical boardroom issues, from Sarbanes-Oxley compliance and compensation to audit committee practices and strategic planning.

Continuing Legal Education:

CALIFORNIA LEGAL EDUCATION CREDIT: The State Bar of California has approved this program for MCLE credit. Certification from other states may be sought; however, approved hours may vary. Contact your local bar for more information.

Program Disclaimer:
Program content and scheduled panelists are subject to change. Please check our website for regular updates and additional program details.

Updated on 02/09/2012