8,180 acres. 6,500 undergraduates. 6.4 to 1 student to faculty ratio. These numbers present only a snapshot of the University. The links in this section will help you determine if Stanford is a good fit for your students.
The exclusive application for Stanford is the online Common Application. The deadlines for admission are November 1 (Restrictive Early Action), January 1 (Regular Decision) and March 15 (Transfer Admission).
Stanford unveiled two remarkable financial aid programs in 2008 for families with incomes below 100,000 and 60,000 respectively, making a Stanford education affordable for all admitted students.
Counselors are invited each fall and spring to more than 100 guidance counselor breakfasts with Stanford admission officers and our colleagues from Duke, Georgetown, Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania.
Counselors (only) should direct questions and concerns to [email protected] or the Office of Undergraduate Admission, Montag Hall, 355 Galvez Street, Stanford, CA 94305-6106. (650) 723-2091.