Faculty & Research

Helmut Krawinkler

Helmut Krawinkler

Title:John A. Blume Professor Emeritus of Engineering
Department(s):Civil and Environmental Engineering
Location:Y2E2 231
Mail Code:4020
Phone:650.723.4129       650.725.0360
E-mail: [email protected]
URL: https://www.stanford.edu/group/strgeo/People/krawinkler.html
Administrator: Kimberly L. Vonner

Research Statement

Krawinkler's research focus is on the development of basic concepts for performance-based seismic design of steel and reinforced concrete structures. He participates in seismic code developments and implementation of research results in engineering practice.


Degree Discipline Year School
PhD 1971 UC Berkeley


Publication TitleAuthor(s)/Speaker(s)Open Document
Decision support for conceptual performance-based design Krawinkler, H, et. al.
Expanded papers from an International Workshop on Performance-Based Design - Concepts and Implementation - Foreword Krawinkler, H, et. al.
Hysteretic models that incorporate strength and stiffness deterioration Krawinkler, H, et. al.
Behavior of moment-resisting frame structures subjected to near-fault ground motions Krawinkler, H, et. al.
Seismic Drift and Ductility Demands and Their Dependence on Ground Motions Krawinkler, H, et. al.
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Academic Honors & Awards

ATC Award of Excellence, 2006 Honorary Member, Structural Engineers Association of California
Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award, San Jose State University, 1996
Munro Prize, 1998
AISC Special Achievement Award, 1998
Elected as Honorary Member of SEAONC, 2004