SLAC or Stanford Travel?
Most travel for SIMES is done on behalf of a DOE project, and thus is approved and reimbursed using SLAC travel procedures. The first thing the scientist should determine is whether his/her travel involves SIMES or Stanford University funding.
Traveling for SLAC
Traveling for business at SLAC involves many rules due to our DoE funding restrictions. What follows is an overview of these rules. Refer to the SLAC Travel Office website for more information, advice and tips on traveling. Please do not hesitate to contact SIMES Administration if you have questions.
Note: All travel authorizations, travel expenses reports, and conference approval and reimbursement forms that utilize SIMES account numbers are to be routed through SIMES Administration. Please click on the following links to learn more about each of the required SLAC Travel processes for reimbursement following the sequence of steps listed. (Click on links to see detailed process flow).
Step 1: Conference Attendance Website or Screen Shots with instructions
Step 2: Travel Authorization/Reimbursement for Local, Domestic, and Foreign Travel
Process Flow or Domestic and Foreign Travel Forms
- Example of Completed Domestic Travel Authorization Form (DTA)
- Example of Completed Domestic Travel Expense Report (DTER)
- Example of Completed Foreign Travel Authorization Request Form (FTA)
- Example of Completed Foreign Travel Reimbursement Form (FTER)
Step 3: Conference Registration Fee Reimbursement/ (Screen Shots)
SLAC Visitor Travel and Reimbursement
SLAC’s scientists and administrators often invite visitors to SLAC to discuss research findings or to collaborate on research projects. If the visitor’s travel expenses are to be reimbursed using DOE funds, the visitor must follow a prescribed SLAC process. In addition, foreign nationals are asked to visit the SLAC International Service Office to verify their passports/visas. See Visitor Travel information and Visitor Travel Expense Report form.
Traveling for Stanford University
Travel that is to be supported and reimbursed through Stanford University does not require pre-approval (except if postdoc or student — see below). Scientists may arrange their travel with just a few caveates (eg., air travel must be with a domestic carrier, save your receipts). SIMES Administration can assist in requesting reimbursement or the scientist can process his/her own reimbursement. See the Travel section at Stanford’s Gateway to Financial Activities (Fingate) for information on traveling with Stanford.
Preapproval (Students and Postdocs Only): Reimbursement payments to students and postdocs who attend, speak or present at a conference or meeting, or visit a field site or off-campus laboratory, will be tax-reportable unless one of two documents are included with the reimbursement request.
- For more information, see “When Students Travel for Stanford“ in Fingate.
- Click here to download a PDF example of the required faculty statement for use by SIMES.