Ordering your Yearbook

To order the 2013 Stanford Yearbook:

In order to purchase one of the remaining 2012 yearbook, you may send a check for $85 made out to the Stanford Quad to:

The Stanford Quad
P.O. Box 18812
Stanford, CA 94309

Please send us an email through our contact when you send a check. There are limited quantities of the 2012 yearbook remaining.

Note: The Stanford Quad is not responsible for 2011 yearbooks not picked up or shipped by November 1, 2011. Please pick up your yearbook as soon as they become available. If you will not be able to pick up your book, mailing to any US address is available upon request for $10 shipping and handling.

Ordering Older Editions

We still have a limited supply of older editions of the Quad available for purchase from our reserves. We ship them once a month. To order them, please send a check for $60 made out to the Stanford Quad to:

The Stanford Quad
P.O. Box 18812
Stanford, CA 94309

Also include a note with your name, contact information, a shipping address. The $60 includes shipping and handling to the United States; online ordering is not available for older editions of the Quad. International shipping is available for an extra fee upon request. Please feel free to contact us with questions at [email protected] if you have any questions.

The following yearbooks are available for purchase: