Conducting Research in the Lab: Information for ICP-MS/TIMS facility prospective users

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Welcome to the Stanford ICPMS/TIMS Facility

The ICPMS/TIMS Facility within Stanford University's School of Earth Sciences is a state-of-the-art facility for the analysis of isotopes and trace elements using mass spectrometry.

The array of equipment in the laboratory includes a Nu AttoM high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), a Nu Plasma HR multi-collector ICP-MS, a Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) and a specially designed Picotrace metal-free low particulate clean laboratory. The Facility is open to collaboration with members of the Stanford Community.

To learn about procedures for conducting research in the laboratory, please see User Information.


News & Announcements

  • September 30, 2011:
    The next facility proposal deadline is September 30, 2011
  • February 9:
    Isotope Geochemistry Seminar: Jim Watkins, UC Berkeley, 4 pm Green Earth Sciences, Room 365
  • January 12:
    Isotope Geochemistry Seminar: Tom Bullen, USGS, 4 pm Green Earth Sciences, Room 365
  • November 12:
    Announcing Winter Isotope Geochemistry Seminar and Speaker Series (GES 273): Wednesdays at 4pm in GES 365
  • September 25:
    New Postdoctoral Position in Mantle Geochemistry

    View all news & announcements