Visitor Information


We are located in the main quad of Stanford University near Stanford Memorial Church in buildings 90 and 100. The main staff office are in building 90.

Location of Building 90 on a Searchable Stanford Campus Map

Directions to Stanford University, and printable maps of the campus with parking locations, can be found at the official Maps & Directions page.



For information on options for visitor parking, please visit the Parking and Transportation Website.  The closest metered lots to the department are located on the Main Oval off of Palm Drive and at the corner of Serra and Galvez.



There are also some affordable places to stay on campus for short visits or while you look for more permanent housing

The SLAC Guesthouse
(650) 926-5388

The Bechtel International Center Guest Room
(650) 723-1271

Both places are relatively close by, and less expensive, than most local hotels.

Resources for Finding More Permanent Housing

In general, if you would like to start looking at available housing in the Stanford area, the best way to get information is online, as housing moves very rapidly in this market. Here are some online sources:

Stanford Community Housing Services
Old Union, Room 214
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-3012

(650) 723-3906

You can search local rental listings (including on-campus listings) here to get an idea of the kinds of rentals out there.  They also survey housing prices, and post average cost information.  Some of the information contained in the Community Housing Services Web site is available only to current Stanford affiliates. To gain access to the restricted information in the Web pages entitled "Looking for Housing in the Stanford Area," "Community Housing Listings," and "Helpful Information" you will be required to enter a user name and password.

Palo Alto Weekly Online


Stanford Report

Published every Wednesday, the Stanford Report offers listings of available housing, and you can also place an ad describing the kind of housing you need. If you would like to place an ad, this is your best chance of renting another professor's home for a Quarter or two while he or she is away.

The Palo Alto Weekly


Convenient Apartment Complexes

The Stanford West Apartments are probably most convenient, and are available primarily to Stanford affiliates. (650) 725-2000.

The Oak Creek apartments are also close to campus. (650) 321-1701