Image - Maze-like magnetic structure imaged by magnetic-force microscope

Using Light to Switch Off Magnetism

Oct 03, 2012

An experiment conducted at an X-ray laser in Germany has captured surprising nanoscale changes in a magnetic material that were induced by pulses of light. The research has implications for improving magnetic data storage.
Image - Color computer illustration of proteins at cellular scale

SSRL Confirms Anti-Flu Proteins Work as Designed

Oct 01, 2012

A team of researchers used the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource to verify that their computer-designed proteins worked as they’d hoped.
Photo - SLAC Professor Emeritus Helen Quinn

SLAC Professor Emeritus Helen Quinn to Receive 2013 Sakurai Prize

Oct 01, 2012

SLAC Professor Helen Quinn has been chosen to receive the 2013 J.J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics, awarded by the American Physical Society “to recognize and encourage outstanding achievement in particle theory.”
Photo - Persis Drell sharing a laugh with Congresswomen Eshoo and Lofgren

Local Congresswomen, Entrepreneurs Extol Bay Area Light Sources

Sep 26, 2012

Two enthusiastic Congressional supporters of scientific research and a panel of scientist-entrepreneurs headlined a Silicon Valley Leadership Group meeting at SLAC that focused on the benefits of light source research.
Image - Dark Energy Camera image of a spiral galaxy

SLAC-Stanford Astrophysicists Get First Images from Dark Energy Camera

Sep 18, 2012

When the Dark Energy Camera opened its giant eye last week and began taking pictures of the ancient light from far-off galaxies, more than 120 members of the Dark Energy Survey eagerly awaited that first snapshot. Though scientists at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory lead the project, they...
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  • Image - Inner workings of the Collider Detector (CDF) at Fermilab.

    Aug 9, 2012

    The Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) is committed to studying high-energy particle collisions at the world’s highest energy proton-antiproton collider. The goal is to discover the identity and properties of the particles that make up the universe and to understand the forces and interactions between those particles.

  • Image - Researcher wears night-vision goggles in darkroom setting.

    Jul 11, 2012

  • Photo - LCLS facilities at SLAC appears miniaturized in this special-effect shot

    Jun 29, 2012

    This recent shot, taken from a radio tower (the highest point at the lab), shows the LCLS Near Experimental Hall tucked among SLAC's rolling hills, with Stanford University's Hoover Tower and the San Francisco Bay in the distance. The image makes use of a technique called "tilt-shift miniature," in which focus and color have been manipulated to make objects appear small or toy-like.

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  • See video

    Sep 07, 2012

    Video of Energy Secretary Steven Chu's presentation at SLAC's Aug. 24 Scientific Symposium, delivered on the first day of the lab's 50th anniversary celebration.

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    Sep 04, 2012

    As part of its 50th anniversary celebration, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory hosted an all-day scientific symposium in Panofsky Auditorium on Aug. 24, 2012, at which nine internationally renowned scientists described exciting research opportunities that will be explored during the lab's next half century.

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    Aug 15, 2012

    SLAC physicists Johanna Nelson and Yijin Liu give a brief overview of the X-ray microscope at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) that is helping improve rechargeable-battery technology by letting researchers peek into the inner workings of batteries as they operate.

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