Posts Tagged ‘Associated Students’

Angelina Cardona wins Sterling Award

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

Alumni Association President Howard Wolf and Angelina Cardona

Graduating senior ANGELINA CARDONA has received the Stanford Alumni Association’s 2011 J. E. Wallace Sterling Award for outstanding service to Stanford.

HOWARD WOLF, president of the Alumni Association and vice president for alumni affairs, announced the award at a private reception earlier this month.

Cardona, who will graduate with a bachelor’s degree in international relations, has been actively involved in campus life. She is the immediate past president of the Associated Students and previously served as chair of health and wellness for the ASSU Executive Cabinet. She also has served as a resident adviser.

The Sterling Award cited Cardona “for developing creative solutions to further the cause of student wellness on campus” and for “applying a rare combination of drive and graciousness, as well as perspective and passion.”

The Alumni Association presents the Sterling Award annually to a graduating senior whose undergraduate activities have made an impact on campus and demonstrate the strong potential for continued service to the university and the alumni community.

The award is named for the late J. E. Wallace Sterling, who served as Stanford’s president from 1949 to 1968.