
Neurobiology Research

Research interests of the department include information processing in vertebrate retina; structure, function, and development of auditory and visual systems; development and regeneration in the central and peripheral nervous system; neural mechanisms mediating higher nervous system functions, including perception, learning, attention and decision making.

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Graduate students in the Department of Neurobiology obtain the Ph.D. degree through the interdepartmental Neurosciences Ph.D. program. Accepted students receive funding for tuition and a living stipend. Applicants should familiarize themselves with the research interests of the faculty and, if possible, indicate their preference on the application form which is submitted directly to the Neurosciences Program.

Medical students also are encouraged to enroll in the Ph.D. program. The requirements of the Ph.D. program are fitted to the interests and time schedules of the student. Postdoctoral training is available to graduates holding Ph.D. or M.D. degrees, and further information is obtained directly from the faculty member concerned.

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