Clinical Anatomy In The Department of Surgery
Brooke   Brooke

 Medical student Brooke Lane concentrates on her first anatomy assignment.

 Juno Obedin-Maliver and Andrew Hsu peel back skin so they can examine the muscles.

Division of Clinical Anatomy

The Division of Clinical Anatomy is responsible for Surgery 203, Human Anatomy for medical students, and Surgery 101, Human Anatomy for undergraduate students.  Both courses are aimed at providing a strong foundation in the structure and function of the human body.  The courses are based on concepts of anatomy, but the Division also emphasizes the clinical importance of anatomical knowledge.


The Division of Clinical Anatomy offers summer educational programs for enthusiastic and talented high school and college students, including a Clinical Anatomy Research Scholars (CARS) summer internship and a one-week course that introduces the latest in medical technologies. Learn More »

How to Help

We in the Division of Clinical Anatomy are responsible caretakers for the Willed “Whole” Body Donation Program.  We accept donations which have been bequeathed, primarily for the teaching of anatomy (body structure), to students. More »

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