
What's new


The pages have been updated with the newer Stanford design.

StanfordWho useful features!

search StanfordWho from your browser toolbar
Add StanfordWho to your browser's toolbar search feature. On any StanfordWho page, do the following:
  • Internet Explorer: Click the drop-down menu next to the toolbar search box,click "Add Search Providers", and select "StanfordWho (public)" or "StanfordWho (authenticated)".
  • Firefox: Click the drop-down menu next to the toolbar search box, and select "Add StanfordWho (public)" or "Add StanfordWho (authenticated)"
The "public" and "authenticated" options set the default mode for your searches.
vCard download
In the authenticated "Stanford-only" mode, a vCard link will be present when you look at any person's profile page or popup. Click the link to download that person's contact information to your Outlook (or any other vCard-enabled) contact list. The information in the vCard includes: Name, title, department, email, cell phone, web site address, and the work phones, fax, and address connected with the person's primary Stanford affiliation.
popup quick contact info on the results page
In the search results, hover over a linked name to see that person's Stanford contact information. (This feature requires Javascript to be turned on in your browser.) Clicking on the linked name will go to that person's full listing.
easier copy/paste
Hover over a linked name in the search results to see the person's contact information, then use your cursor to highlight the displayed information and copy it to your clipboard. It can then be pasted in an email or other document without special formatting.


Stanford People Search (aka "StanfordWho") is the web site that allows you to search the Stanford directory of faculty, staff, and students at Stanford University and Medical Center.

  • Enter a name, SUNet ID, email address, or phone number in the search box, and StanfordWho will do the appropriate searches and present the results in ranked categories.
  • Click the "search in Stanford view" checkbox to send your search directly to the Stanford-only view.
  • Click "more options" to restrict your search to a specific population, or to use the "sounds like" option.
  • Access points:


StanfordWho allows the following types of searches:

  • name
    • enter a last, first, or full name
    • use wildcard (*) to find more matches
  • email address
    • enter an email username or full email address
    • if you include the @, the search will include SUNet ID aliases
    • no wildcards allowed
    work phones
    • enter at least the last 5 digits
    • find phones related to the person's Stanford affiliation(s)
    • does not search home or mobile phones
  • SUNet ID (exact match)
    • enter a primary SUNet ID or an alias
    • no wildcards allowed

Any term you enter will be searched against all appropriate indexes. (See the detailed search documentation for more info.)

More search options

Click the "show more options" link below the search box to display options that let you expand or narrow your search.

Find last names that sound like my search term
This option takes what you have entered in the search box, and treats it as a phonetic representation of a last name, searching for people whose last name contains the same sounds. This option does not search first names or full names—only last names.
Search within...
Allows you to select a population to narrow your search results. If you are searching for a popular first name, for example, limiting the population searched can help to reduce the results to fewer than the maximum of 100.

Search results

Results are grouped in sections by the type of match, and ranked according to the accuracy of the match:

  1. SUNet ID—a single, exact match
  2. Email—exact matches (usually no more than 2 or 3) on the user-name portion of the address
  3. Phone—rarely finds more than one match; very rarely combined with any other search type
  4. Last name
  5. First name
  6. Full name

Only the first 100 listings will be displayed for each search type. This effectively limits only the more common first name ("Jennifer") and last name ("Li") searches. If your search results in more than 100 matches, try adding more letters of the name, or limiting the search to a specific population (in "more search options").

Who is in StanfordWho?

The Stanford directory includes nearly everyone who is actively affiliated with Stanford University and Hospital.

  • Students
    • current students and post-doctoral scholars
    • MLA and NDO students
  • Faculty
    • current and emeritus faculty
  • Staff
    • current regular and temporary/casual University staff
    • current Hospital staff
    • emeritus University staff
  • Other
    • sponsored affiliates (e.g. contractors)

Who is not listed?

Some populations are not included in the StanfordWho directory—but there may be other directories available to find them.

Public and Stanford-only Views

The default mode of StanfordWho is "public"—this is the view that the general public can use, and includes only those people who have chosen to make their listing public.

Members of the Stanford community can login to the "Stanford-only" view. This view includes more people, and individual listings often include more information than the public view.

To search the Stanford-only directory, you must have an active SUNet ID and academic or administrative privileges. Most people who are listed in the directory can login to the Stanford view, with some exceptions (e.g. incoming students who are not yet on campus).

You can access the Stanford-only view directly—bookmark this link!

Visibility and Privacy Settings

Each person's listing in the Stanford directory is governed by visibility and privacy settings they control, either via Axess (for students) or via StanfordYou (for staff and faculty).

Faculty and staff can choose whether to be listed in public view, the Stanford-only view, or unlisted (private). Students can be in the public view or unlisted.

If your directory preference is:

  • public: your listing will appear in both the public view of the directory and the Stanford-only view. Anyone can find you—but only by searching for the specific information you have made available to the directory.
  • Stanford-only: your listing will not appear in the public view of the directory, no matter what kind of search is performed. In the Stanford-only view, your listing will appear with an indicator to show that you are not listed in the public directory. This helps the searcher see who has been added to the results list by searching the Stanford-only directory, and serves as a reminder to not disclose your information outside the Stanford community.
  • private: your listing will not appear in either the public or the Stanford-only view. No matter what kind of search is performed, your information will not be included in any results set.

Linking to StanfordWho results from your web page

Stanford web sites can link to StanfordWho search results, instead of displaying static contact information on web pages (where it can go out of date and be easily picked up by spam robots).

To display public search results

Display matches in the public view of the directory, using this URL (replacing "jdoe" with a SUNet ID or other search term):


You can pass a search via URL using any term or combination of terms allowed in the StanfordWho search box, and replacing spaces and punctuation with escape codes.

replace with
space %20
period (.) %2E
hyphen (-) %2D
@ %40

To display Stanford-only search results

Display matches in the Stanford-only view of the directory - the user will be required to login to view the results. This search uses https to connect to the secure server, and adds /auth/ to the path before the lookup command:


Legacy links

Because so many web sites were already using links to StanfordWho results, the new StanfordWho application continues to support the previous URL structure:


However, there is one important difference in the way search URLs are now handled: you must now be careful not to use https unless you are explicitly requesting a secure Stanford-only search, and the URL includes /auth/lookup. If you use https with a public search request, the server will redirect the search from the secure server to the public server, and the user may see a security alert in their browser.